Matt Collins From Simulmedia: The Future Of TV Measurement Is Data-Driven Performance

Manuela Walfenzao| 8 de septiembre de 2017

Collins: Conectar datos de compra con los de visibilidad ofrece una ventana esencial dentro de la vida de los clientes

Matt Collins, SVP of Marketing at Simulmedia wrote an article on the ANA website on how to change your mindset, improve ROI, and give your marketing team a data-driven advantage, regarding measurement of TV advertising investment. According to a Credit Suisse report on the future of advertising, 60% of brand marketers will be investing in data-optimized TV advertising in the next two years. “Given how well it works, the other 40 percent probably won’t be far behind. While GRPs are a useful benchmark, the future of TV measurement is data-driven performance” he said. He mentioned three things that advertisers can do to obtain better results from their TV advertising.The first thing is to learn what is really working and what isn’t. “With data-optimized TV advertising, brands now can close the loop by matching ad exposure to action. Using measurement from their own CRM or third-party credit card transactions, brands can learn which audience segments drove the most conversions, the best time of day to reach them, and on which networks” he said. The second thing is to optimize for relevance. One of the shortest paths to obtain greater ROI is to reach more likely customers. And the third thing is to develop a more cohesive customer journey, and one of the benefits of data-optimized targeting on TV is that brands can target the same audience segments on both TV and digital media “Connecting purchase data with viewing data provides an essential window into the daily lives of a brand’s best customers and yields a wide range of insights on the exact performance of a campaign” he concluded.

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