Miguel Ángel Amézquita of Burger King: Sustainability is a long-term driver for consumption and business

Claudia Smolansky| 16 de noviembre de 2022

Miguel Amezquita de Burger King

In the last two years Burger King has shifted towards campaigns focused on social, art and  totally new products without artificial additives. In this regard, Miguel Ángel Amézquita, Communications & Sustainability Sr. Manager of Burger King, said that all this was part of the goals that were set for 2022. “We wanted to be a more craving brand and closer to the Mexican. It has been a path of at least four years of breaking stone and being there,” he commented.But above all, he highlights that it has been four years of great consistency. “We wanted to be a brand being recognized, not just because of our price, but because we offer value. We wanted to show an emotional side, beyond the emotional offer,” he pointed out.In his opinion, they challenged the category through innovation and new flavors, formats and ways of experiencing restaurants.“We wanted to break the paradigm that fast food means low quality,” he pointed out. For this reason, he emphasizes the success of their Non Artificial campaign, awarded at Cannes and which introduces the first hamburger without artificial ingredients.“If we wanted to survive and continue to build a long term business, we had to listen to our consumers,” he said.He explained that since it is “real food” they should show it to “real people”. For this reason, the campaign shows pictures of Mexicans eating Burger King hamburgers, which were exhibited at the Photography Archive Museum.Amezquita comments that Burger King and, in general, FireHouse, aim to be the most loved brands, since they consider that lovecraft adds value and makes the business more profitable in the medium and long term.Regarding sustainability Burger King established three strategic pillars: food, environment and communities.“We’ve already presented a project regarding natural ingredients. We have projects with organizations to address reforestation issues and we have thought that our restaurants could work with solar cells. All this bet is also towards the digital world because we know it will have less impact. Regarding the community, we are focused on supporting the people who work with us, since they are the heart of the grill. So we have education and crisis management projects,” he described.He said that additionally the company is convinced that sustainability is not a trending topic. “It is one of the drivers of consumption and of a long-term business,” he pointed out.Burger King was recognized this year as the Creative Brand of the Year at Cannes Lions and Amezquita attributes that to the boldness and consistency they embrace as a company.“You have to take risks and listen carefully to the agencies. We cannot stay hooked to the desk and numbers. And consumers have appreciated that there is consistency in what we deliver and say,” he concluded.

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