New FIAP Returns To Its City Of Origin

Manuela Walfenzao| 3 de septiembre de 2017

Figueroa Reyes: El esfuerzo que han hecho todas las agencias superó ampliamente nuestras expectativas

The Ibero-American Advertising Festival, FIAP returned on Sunday, September 3rd to Buenos Aires, the city where it was created. The event opened with a welcoming cocktail at Faena Hotel hosted by Rodrigo Figueroa Reyes, who leads the New FIAP and thanked all of those who made the festival possible. “We’re launching a festival that has been a success for a long time and returns to continue to do so. The truth is that FIAP is an incredible brand” he said. “All the effort that agencies in Spain, U.S., Brazil and the rest of Latin America, including Argentina, put into the event, greatly exceeded our expectations. And is also important to note that we were able to include our Venezuela’s counterparts, who are going through a very complicated situation.” Diego Radivoy, Creative Industries Director of the City’s Government, highlighted the importance of Buenos Aires having a relevant Ibero-American festival. “This festival exceeds all expectations and I believe that is a great beginning for years to come. It would not have been possible without all the effort that Rodrigo and his team put into it.” Figueroa Reyes explained they decided to make a welcoming party with seniority, which stands for the F of Fiesta; while the “I” stands for Innovation and includes talks about startups; the A, for Audiences includes a day with influencers, and the P for Prize or award, where Andrew Keller From Facebook will be giving a talk during the awarding ceremony. The festival is aiming to cut down the number of award’s categories, so these will include four grand Prix and its subcategories. “We are aiming to make this festival a space for networking, businesses, good vibe, and that the awards become the ‘cherry on top’” he added. “We’re very happy with the people’s response. The idea is to turn the festival completely around and focus more on business. We will be having our first meeting with marketers from the region with very high expectations” said Daniel Marcet, FIAP’s Executive.

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