OPINIÓN– Marcos Cline de Altered.LA: Mis dos días en el CMC y la falta de ser inclusivo

Liz Unamo| 16 de junio de 2019

Marcos Cline

CMC has come and gone in the blink of an eye and yet I’m exhausted. Sure I’m out of shape and the older I get the tougher it is to travel, but as I sat down to put my thoughts together about what transpired over the last two days I realized that I’m tired because of the overwhelming amount of information I’ve had the privilege to absorb in such a short period of time.

Sadly, there was an almost absolute lack of representation at CMC. Let me explain.This year, once again, I was most surprised by the absence of vendors. These, of course, being production companies, post houses, audio, etc. (I was the only production company to attend). These are the companies that execute on the creative ideas emerging from the agencies for the benefit of the clients. I get it, CMC has shied away from the creative awards that once dominated the event, but let’s be clear . . . This business is not (just) about awards, it’s about selling more goods and services. That takes strategy, planning, understanding of KPI’s … terms that make most production companies eyes glaze over. But how do we expect to serve our clients better if we’re not at least demonstrating some interest in understanding what’s driving their decisions? Ideally that interest would be authentic as it helps guide our approach towards resolving their needs.  It’s important to note that this lack of representation is in no part due to the CMC. If I got the invites, I’m sure my colleagues at other production companies did as well.

This makes me think they just were not interested in attending or the allure of Texas’ most metropolitan conurbation was too much to behold. So, for your benefit, let me explain what you missed:
You missed the opportunity to question clients whether or not it’s their priority to hire multi-cultural production companies. (It’s not.)You missed the opportunity to question agencies whether their feel good campaign changed any minds. (It’s hard to measure.)And you missed the opportunity to learn.  
There are a number of important tidbits of information that we, the attendees, were privy too. As I was listening to speakers I managed to jot some of them down.

Here are a few in no particular order and without the proper credit so I apologize to the people who uttered these words:

This business, it’s about people.  What got you here, won’t get you there.Attention, Authenticity, Assistance.It’s not that Attention Span is short, it’s that we’ve become selective on what to pay attention too.You’re competing with the best content the audience has ever experienced.Create emotional connections = be distinct.Be top of mind to drive and capture desire = be available.Have purpose and intent.We all bring value to the marketplace and the industryExcellence has no ethnicity. While it’s true Awards don’t matter, you have to believe your work is worthy of an award.  
Most of all you missed out on an opportunity to spend time with old friends, colleagues, and yes, competitors. Together we make up an important part of the multi-cultural advertising ecosystem and our absence, while not noticed, was definitely missed. So make it a point to go next year and let’s take ownership of the small, but ever important piece of the advertising puzzle that we own. The storytelling.  See you next year CMC, and thanks for all the fish.  

Diario de Hoy

viernes, 20 de diciembre de 2024


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• Dago García con La pena máxima 2 le da nueva vida a uno de sus clásicos cinematográficos

• Carlos Fajardo de SMARTFILMS: Invitamos a marcas con propósito que quieran unirse a nuestra comunidad para contar sus historias en 2025

• María Pía Astaburuaga, cocreadora de La cocinera: Inspirada en hechos reales la historia permite construir hasta cinco temporadas


Amauri Soares, director ejecutivo de Estudios Globo y TV Globo

Amauri Soares de Globo

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Adria Marina de MasterChef Colombia

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• Univisión iniciará 2025 presentando su primera producción original de true crime en horario estelar C.D.I. (Código de investigación)

• MovieBox grabó serie Sin Límites en el Everest a 5.364 metros de altura

• Karla Sofia Gascón será una de las protagonistas de Las malas producida por About Entertainment, Infinity Hill y Suma Content

• Se revelaron primeras imágenes de Amor animal serie original de Prime Video producida por Underground

• Serie española Shared custody producida por The Immigrant de Fremantle debuta en Disney+ el 24 enero de 2025


• PRODU | Diario entra en receso a partir de este lunes 23 por festividades


En 2001, el cine colombiano vivió un fenómeno con el lanzamiento de La pena máxima, película protagonizada por Enrique Carriazo y Robinson Díaz, que con el tiempo se ha vuelto icónica en el país. Luego de 23 años este título regresa a la pantalla grande con La pena máxima 2, nueva película de Dago García Producciones, hecha con el apoyo de Caracol Televisión. La cinta, dirigida por Mauricio Cruz Fortunato, se estrenará en salas de cine de Colombia el miércoles 25.


Luego de haber celebrado una década de existencia, SMARTFILMS ya proyecta sus metas para 2025. Carlos Fajardo, VP Comercial de Marketing y Comunicaciones de Valencia Producciones, adelantó que uno de los objetivos principales será expandir el festival de cine hecho con celulares a nuevos mercados.


María Pía Astaburuaga, cocreadora de la serie La cocinera y Leonardo Valsecchi, director de Contenidos de la productora chilena Valcine, conversaron con PRODU sobre esta serie, de la que afirman se pueden hacer cinco temporadas. La están ofreciendo como contenido original.

Hotel Hilton Argentina
Migue Granados Olga
Lamac confirmó que la valoración de calidad, sea positiva o negativa, es única para cada canal
Maurice Van Sabben de DMD

La productora colombiana MovieBox continúa apostando por producciones filmadas en lugares exóticos del mundo. Este año estrenaron la serie El colombiano de Keko (grabada en Tanzania). Recientemente concluyeron también el rodaje de la serie Sin límites, que se realizó nada menos que en el Monte Everest, la montaña más alta del planeta con una altitud de 8.848 metros, localizada en la frontera entre Nepal y China.


Disney+ ha lanzado el tráiler de la nueva serie original española Shared custody (Custodia repartida), la comedia dramática que marca el debut como director de TV de Javier Fesser, creador de Campeones. La serie estará disponible globalmente en Disney+ a partir del 24 de enero.
