Privacy and decentralization of Web 3.0: subjects of debate on Face to Face Webinar

Claudia Smolansky| 8 de marzo de 2022

Face to Face Webinar 08 de Marzo

The characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of Web 3.0 – the latest step of the World Wide Web – were the center of discussion on the recent FIAP Face to Face Webinar, on which Jonathan Lackey, digital director of Casanova//McCann; Felipe Vallejos, regional director of Media & Analytics LatAm at REPRISE; Andy Nelson, head of social media at Conill; Andres Azpilicueta, chief digital officer with Publicis Media, and Guillermo Bernal, head of Digital Integration with Archer Troy, shared their ideas, while Mara Fernandez, associate publisher and director of U.S. Hispanic & Latin American PRODU, served as moderator. For Bernal, the blockchain model of Web 3.0 allows for individualism “if you want to create a video or a song or any content. Web 2.0 provided social interaction and the way these networks spread our messages and information. Now these tools are in the hands of the general public,” he said. For his part, Nelson understands blockchain as a distributed database that stores transactions. Vallejos meanwhile calls it a secure system for storing information in a way that is hard to hack or copy. “Property” is one of the chief characteristics and advantages that executives see in Web 3.0. “There’s more power for the individual,” Azpilicueta said.In that sense, Vallejos noted that this individually stored property is endowed with greater privacy. Moving on, Bernal highlighted the decentralization offered by Web 3.0.“It’s all about having more control over data. We know that this privacy is a subject that will continue to be debated over the coming years. We have to find a way to give tools to the users, but at the same time make them feel safe and secure. Finally, Nelson insisted that Web 3.0 has its focus on the community. To which idea Lackey added that the consumer should be understood even more. “We must know the consumer and be more critical. We can’t fake any of this, because it’s all about creating and cultivating a community – that is its true value,” he concluded. See FIAP Face to Face Webinar

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