Sergio Alcocer from Rest of the World: The Name of the Agency Goes Far Beyond the Concept of Latino and Celebrates Differences

Liz Unamo| 26 de enero de 2017

Alcocer: Tenemos una estructura pequeña pero con muy buen talento

Sergio Alcocer, one of the most recognized and talented creatives in the U.S. Hispanic market returns, after a one-year pause, to the industry with his new agency, Rest of the World. “The name of the agency invites people who are sometimes left aside to join in to create the tone of the country’s future. The name goes far beyond the concept of Latino and celebrates differences”.After complying with the non-compete agreement with LatinWorks -where he spent 16 years- he explains that he made the most of his sabbatical year by travelling, exploring and remaining updated with what happened in the industry. “On a sabbatical you learn a lot of things. It helped me remember, and I am grateful for that, that no one is indispensable. The world keeps moving. That gives you a great deal of humility”.He confessed that his passion is advertising and the multicultural world. “I am a remorseless advertiser. I spoke with a lot of people over possibilities for my return. I spoke with holding companies and agency networks. I met fascinating people, super talented. I never had doubts over returning, but there were several conversations about how to return”. He is designing Rest of the World the way he thinks work should be done in 2017. “A small structure but with very good talent, fast, flexible and specialized in the areas that add values for clients: strategy and creativity”. Regarding the political situation in the US, Alcocer points out that, as an advertiser specialized in multicultural marketing, it is a great moment to do what they know. “Companies and their brands are going to have to make a decision about what is happening socially and culturally in the country. It isn’t about making politics, but people are going to want to know if the brands they consume are in favor or against diversity and a multicultural country. For an agency like the one I am starting today, which doesn’t hide its color and multicultural pride, the opportunity is to support brands that believe in an open and diverse US”.

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