SoStereo hosts AdWeek “Unlocking the Power of Music” panel discussion

Liz Unamo| 10 de octubre de 2019

Salo Sterental

SoStereo gathered advertising industry leaders at AdWeek 2019 for “Unlocking the Power of Music,” a conversation about the growing impact of music on branding efforts and marketing initiatives in a data-driven world. The panel discussion, moderated by SoStereo co-founder and CEO Salo Sterental, featured: Eric Johnson, McCannSenior Vice President and Executive Integrated-music Producer; Leo Burnett Director of Music Chris Clark; Y&R NY Executive Music Producer Theresa Notartomaso; Emma Quigley, PepsiCo Head of Music and Entertainment; and Rachel Rauch, former music producer at Publicis. Innovating at the intersection of music and advertising, SoStereo, a #PoweredByRokk3r startup, is an integrated platform and service created to modernize the way brands and advertising agencies source music and work with artists for campaigns. Historically, brands seeking to leverage the power of captivating music on ad campaigns were forced to contend with the expensive and time-consuming task of negotiating directly with major music labels. SoStereo was designed to deliver a faster, simpler alternative to this model by providing access to a marketplace of emerging artists. From last-minute music licensing for commercial to full-scale music strategy, SoStereo leverages cutting-edge technology and a skilled curation team to unlock the power of music in advertising. “Music is proven to impact humans so viscerally, it’s no wonder it’s a key tool for marketers,” Sterental said. “That said, are you choosing music based on that visceral gut reaction, or are you letting the facts and figures of a certain genre or artist make the call for you?”. The conversation revealed that while some advertising campaigns, like those recently led by Leo Burnett’s Clark, are dictated by creative decision-making of what music “works” or doesn’t, data is increasingly playing a pivotal role in how music is chosen for advertising campaigns and what songs by which artists eventually make the cut, according to Rauch and Quigley – a point that split the panel.

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