The Community and Modelo beer celebrate the passion people imprint on their lives in Bienvenido a Casa Modelo

Manuela Walfenzao| 27 de septiembre de 2016

The Community desarrolló la campaña para el total market de EE UU

The multicultural agency The Community created a new campaign for Modelo beer, aimed at the U.S. total market. The commercial Welcome to Casa Modelo or Bienvenido a Casa Modelo was made in Spanish and English and shows that people’s personalities are reflected not only on their daily struggles, their passions and values but on the beer they choose.“We created this spot to show how Casa Modelo, home of Modelo Especial and Modelo Negra, was born more than 90 years ago from passion and perseverance in the aim to create and share beers rich in flavor and quality. Today, the beer Modelo or Casa Modelo continues to be nourished by these character features and continue celebrating people who struggle each day in everything they do” stated Leonardo Prat, VP and Executive Creative Director at The Community. The commercial shows inspiring images of people building objects, firefighters leaving the fire station, a chef in his kitchen and a soccer team arriving at the field, while a voice in off narrates: “This is the home of the passionate, the home of the brave. For those who continue to fight and honor their traditions.” Then they show the facilities of the beer brewery and it ends with: “And this is the home of your beer. Casa Modelo.”The piece was directed by Vincent Haycock, under the production of Jackie Kelman Bisbee and Linus Sandgren was in charge of the direction of photography.

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