The One Show and Circulo Creativo USA to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month awarding prizes for the best multicultural creativity

Liz Unamo| 11 de octubre de 2022

Circulo Creativo US y The One Show Awards

Multicultural Impact is the new project through which The One Show and Circulo Creativo USA will together honor the finest multicultural creative work. This is a subcategory of Cultural Drivers, which defines trends not only within advertising but in the overall culture. It is thus added to the Pop Culture Impact division, which celebrates work that creates trends beyond the advertising industry to include the world in general.Multicultural Impact defends works that support minority groups living within a more dominant culture. All members of Circulo Creativo USA who submit their work to this category get a 10 percent discount upon their registration.“The One Show awards global prizes, for which reason it is most important to include pieces that reflect attitudes and points of view from outside the dominant culture of every region. This project in partnership with Circulo Creativo USA will help us expand the multicultural panorama,” said Gabriela Mirensky, director of The One Show Awards.“I’m sure this project is the beginning of many more to be done jointly. This collaboration is a matter of pride for Circulo Creativo USA. Being able to stimulate the best multicultural work with prizes as important as The One Show awards is quite an honor. Finishing my two years of presidency in the Circle by leaving this legacy behind me is really exciting. I am totally grateful to Gabriela and The One Show for their commitment to the multicultural industry, and to all those who have supported this union,” said Flor Leibaschoff, president of Circulo Creativo USA and CC0 of BeautifulBeast.The One Show is now open to new entries, so that all members of Circulo Creativo USA that wish to enter their pieces and take advantage of the discount can request their Discount Code underCirculo.

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