The Women In Programmatic Spain will connect with, support and empower ad industry women

Liz Unamo| 7 de marzo de 2023

The Women in Programmatic network

Spain now has its The Women In Programmatic platform to provide opportunities and support for women in the programmatic and digital advertising industry. The network launched in England in 2020 now has a branch in Spain headed by Tijana Vankovska, principal board member; Mercedes Alonso, founding board member; and Mora Alvarez, founding board member. “Women are less likely than men to have a strong networking structure. Worldwide statistics indicate they have between 13 and 38 percent less probability of enjoying networking that is at once widespread and diverse. This was one of the first reasons that we heard mentioned the founders of The Women in Programmatic Network, and we understand that the only choice was to provide us this space in Spain, to try to reverse this reality,” Mora said. The Women in Programmatic Network is a non-profit organization created with the only objective of support and development. “This will be the meeting point where we can’t just exchange work experiences and knowledge, but can also discuss a wide range of subjects like the empowerment of women, mental health, the challenges of maternity along with work, leadership and more. There are many companies accompanying us down this road at a world level, including SunMedia, which offers us opportunities and help in order to spread this project and which already marks the way for more companies to do the same. Hoping that this is contagious and that it is among the priorities of every company,” Mora said. The new networking space and connection will have participants from different parts that make up the digital ecosystem: client, agency, media. “And those who take part are people of different ages and positions. With this I can say that I can say we among all women push ourselves to reach a common goal, which is to achieve equality in all our surroundings and in every sense of the word.” The reality remains far short of the goal of reaching gender equality in the industry. Still lacking is the creation of an awareness and a better education to establish true gender equity. “The inequality in education and opportunities, the greater access to resources and influence; all these points remain at the heart of the dispute,” Mora said. “At the labor level,” she added, “companies want their personnel treated fairly, but still at a global level, women do not have a relevant representation in positions where they take important decisions, though we’re headed that way.”Outside the advertising sector, certain large scale examples of significant progress are to be seen, including those that stand out among medical activities and social services, education, the hotel industry and activities in the home, according to a 2022 study taken in Spain in by Statista, which differentiates the nation’s population percentage by gender and occupation.“Our sector, that of communications, advertising, marketing and technology, does have a large female participation; even so, if we look toward the coming generations, just 35 percent of students specializing in technology, science, mathematics or art are women, according to a UNESCO report.

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