We Believers Creates AI Buddy To Help Children Whose Families Are In The War

Manuela Walfenzao| 22 de mayo de 2017

AI Buddy cuenta con la asesoría de psicólogos y pediatras

Since 2001 more than 3 million children worldwide have seen their parents sent to military missions and thousands have lost them on war. Vidax Center and We Believers created AI Buddy, a technology developed with artificial intelligence to help children cope with this crude reality. It was developed by Clowder Tank. “We come up with ideas that aim at solving problems, whether they be business, world or people problems, sometimes, with the help of technology and many times not. In this case, we realized, together with the client, that the only way to help kids with severe traumas is being present 24 hours a day, both to keep them company and to prevent possible crisis. That is why we thought about getting more involved in the world of artificial intelligence, since it would help us replicate what health care professionals and family can give full time” explained Gustavo Lauría, Co-Founder and CCO at We Believers. AI Buddy includes a series of characters that support children while their parents are at war. They count on consulting services of psychologists and pediatricians in order to be able to work with the children and respond immediately during crisis. The technology picks up information from close relatives by scanning text messages, emails and social network posts to become a virtual family member. The characters are programmed to have live conversations, to be partners and even to give advice.

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