We’ve Got To Be Flexible and Agile: Louis Maldonado of d’exposito & Partners

Cynthia Plohn| 21 de diciembre de 2020

Louis Maldonado

According to Louis Maldonado, Partner and Managing Director of d’exposito & Partners, the current pandemic is forcing the ad industry to achieve new heights of creativity, so at the agency they have made it their business to be cleverer than ever. “One thing we have learned is that we must be flexible, and that agility is super-important,” he said. Though the Hispanic population is one of the demographics most affected by Covid-19, brands are not particularly aiming their efforts at that segment, he said, For that reason “we must continue motivating brands to keep targeting Hispanic consumers, attracting them and addressing their needs. And when that doesn’t happen, we must make sure our campaigns fulfill that purpose.” Maldonado believes that advertising today must strike a different note, with a focus different from the initial one of solidarity. “People want to have some sense of normality, and that makes it harder for us to spark that feeling and at the same time reflect the scale of what is happening,” he said. “Yes, and all this as creatively as possible.”

Diario de Hoy (13)