LaVecina a prizewinner in 2022 MinICT awards

Liz Unamo| 5 de junio de 2022

La vecina Mintic

LaVecina Films was honored for its audiovisual talent in Colombia at the 2022 MinICT awards after presenting two winning projects. A total of 1,132 audiovisual entries competed for prizes in the Great Stories, Open Camera, and The Colombia of Our Dreams categories.   “We won in two categories – we took the Great Stories prize for producing the short subject The Last Classic, and in the Open Camera category we won for producing the six-episode fictional miniseries Old Folks in Flight,” said Guido Jacome, the production company’s creative director.LaVecina Films is outstanding for creating and narrating everyday stories, simple and hopeful, calculated to touch the public’s deepest emotions. “Speaking from the viewpoint of another, from the complex natural vision of the leading characters so that viewers can identify with them. That is what The Last Classic and Old Folks in Flight have, connection and representation. They are stories of old age, of those who have almost nothing to say because of their many years, but now life gives them a second chance. I believe that is our differentiating feature, having a future we can reach as time passes and forgetfulness sets in,” Guido said.The Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) delivered resources to further spur prizewinning audiovisual productions for the Colombian audiovisual talent competition. “The audiovisual convention of the MinICT since 2020 has become one of the most important of our industry. At first it was a way to reactivate audiovisual production in our country, which was hit so hard by the pandemic. But then, with the following conventions, the level of demand for scripts and for commitment to audiences has kept growing until it’s become almost an obligation to take part in these conventions. Most of the national production companies, large and small, compete to win prizes and be able to see their projects completed. It’s a way to open on the market and show in our country and in other countries our scripts with our stories.”

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