2021 PRODU Awards of The Industry will be revealed this Thursday 18

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 17 de noviembre de 2021

Premios PRODU 18 Nov

The PRODU Awards of The Industry will be held this Thursday 18 within the framework of MIP Cancun. The event will be streamed from 7pm (Miami time) on premiosprodu and produ.com. . Those at MIP Cancun will be able to witness in person the award ceremony in the Main Hall.

“We are very happy and grateful for the support that the industry has given to the 2021 PRODU Awards. In this fifth edition, we broke records on registrations and in numbers of jury members. This is proof of our growth. The prestige of an award is given by time and this support shows that we are on the right track,” said Roko Izarra, Director of PRODU.

In this special recognition for the industry within the 2021 PRODU Awards, 17 categories will be awarded. The remaining winners will be revealed at the PRODU Awards Gala, which will take place on December 1 and 2 in a virtual event in co-production with TOAC, which will be broadcast live.

On Thursday, four distinctions will be awarded to important and successful leaders in the Latin American television and entertainment industry: Diego Lerner, President of Disney Latin America, as Executive of the Year; Luis Balaguer, CEO of LatinWE, as Crossover Executive; Fidela Navarro, CEO of Dopamine, for Innovation in Content Production, and Darío Turovelzky, General Director and Senior VP of Global Content of ViacomCBS for the Southern Cone, for Innovation in Content Management.

Also, the Industry Pillars Award will be bestowed to nine executives, important references of the industry. They are: Ana Piñeres, from CMO; Eddy Ruiz, A+E Networks Latin America; José Escalante, Latin Media; Epigmenio Ibarra, Argos; Lisette Osorio, Caracol TV; María Eugenia Rencoret, Mega de Chile; Michelle Wasserman, Banijay Rights; Rosy Ocampo, Televisa, and Sandra Smester, TV Azteca.

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