Alterna’TV channels to advance as finalists in Eutelsat TV Awards

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 11 de septiembre de 2015

In the category of Best Program, Canal Once’s Mexico During The Age of Ice is a finalist

The finalists for the 2015 edition of the Eutelsat TV Awards, which promotes diversity, imagination, courage, creativity and exceptional quality, have been announced and four channels represented by Alterna’TV have advanced to the shortlist of the competition.Alterna’TV is pleased to recognize the achievement and accomplishments of its represented channels including Canal Once, Fix&Foxi, PXTV and TRACE Sport Stars.In the category of Best Children’s Channel, Germany’s Fix&Foxi, the 24-hour children’s animation and live action entertainment programming service based on the comic books of the renowned and legendary artist European artist and publisher Rolf Kauka, is a finalist with duck tv (Slovak Republic) and TVP ABC (Poland).In the category of Best Lifestyle Channel, France’s TRACE Sport Stars, the first channel exclusively dedicated to sports celebrities, giving viewers an unprecedented, behind the scenes, intimate and in-depth understanding of the lives of the champions, is a finalist with myzen.tv (France), and iFilm English (Iran).In the category of Best Sports Channel, Mexico’s PXTV, the extreme sports channel featuring surfing, motocross, kite-surfing, snowboarding, BMX, wakeboarding, off-road, jet-ski, rock climbing, snowmobiling, skydiving, base jumping as well as the latest music and fashion trends, will square off against Super Tennis (Italy) and beIN Sports (Qatar).In the category of Best Program, Mexico’s Canal Once’s {Mexico During The Age of Ice;www.produ.com/television/videos/index.html?Noti=9922} is a finalist along with 1992 from Italy’s Sky Atlantic; The Answer of Grandchildren from Armenia’s Shant TV; Inside IS – War in the Name of Allah from Germany’s Spiegel TV Wissen and Balkan Route from Bosnia & Herzegovina’s Al Jazeera Balkans.The Eutelsat TV Awards jury, chaired by RAI journalist Duilio Giammaria, and assembling media experts from diverse markets, assessed the quality, innovation and creativity of over 100 channels from 27 countries that entered this year’s competition. The winners will be honored at a ceremony in Rome on October 30.

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este mes comenzó el rodaje de Familia a la Deriva, la nueva película de Tiger House, Pampa Films, Yellow Kingdom, Gloriamundi Producciones y No Idea Entertainment, dirigida por Alfonso Pineda Ulloa y distribuida por Star Distribution.

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