Alterna’TV: We want to provide the client with diverse contents in the different platforms because this is the new consumption trend

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 27 de marzo de 2015

Alterna ‘TV continues its quest for and distribution of quality contents, as announced by Roberto Pérez, general director, Marketing and Distribution, for the USA, Canada and Mexico of the company, who stated that, with support from other companies such as SAT Marketing, they are focused on satisfying demand and providing clients with diverse contents, with access to different platforms, considered the new consumption trend.”The flexibility these new platforms offer is that you can make a decision at a given moment regarding what you want to watch, how, and where. People are creating content all the time, this helps this new technology and content providers to evolve. Due to this it is necessary to change and be able to offer shorter and more active content”, he said.He highlighted that one of the channels they develop with SAT Marketing is PX TV, where “they are venturing into the generation of contents, holding extreme sports competitions and are creating more products for audiences in markets such as the Mexican one. They are companies that have done their tasks, studying the market and observing trends”.Finally, Pérez said that these new windows “generate an interesting universe for advertisers, who also have to be more creative and offer more punctual things. The advertiser measures his efficiency with clicks and these platforms allow real time measurements to be obtained and for advertisers to be more creative in the message and its value proposal”.

Diario de Hoy

martes, 25 de marzo de 2025


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Posicionar a Quintana Roo como un destino para la producción audiovisual es uno de los objetivos de Canacine, dijo a PRODU Sofía Ibañez, productora, y fundadora de Central 16, quien además es socia de Canacine Quintana Roo.
Con la conmemoración del 70 aniversario de la publicación de Pedro Páramo, la icónica novela de Juan Rulfo recientemente llevada a pantalla por Netflix, anuncian un proyecto para fortalecer a la industria del cine al sur de Jalisco. El proyecto es impulsado por el Festival Rulfiano de las Artes 2025 y Netflix, en colaboración con FilmaJalisco y el Departamento de Imagen y Sonido de la Universidad de Guadalajara. Se trata de Horizonte Cinematográfico Rulfiano.

Se celebra el 70 aniversario de la publicación de Pedro Páramo, la novela de Juan Rulfo recientemente llevada a pantalla por Netflix. A propósito de ello, anuncian proyecto para fortalecer a la industria del cine al sur de Jalisco.
