BBC Worldwide: We placed The Last Hour of Laura K our first scripted format in the region with Globo Brazil

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 9 de noviembre de 2017

Anna Gordon, EVP for Latin America and US Hispanic at BBC Worldwide

BBC Worldwide has just placed with Globo in Brazil The Last Hour of Laura K (Prova do crime), the first scripted format that the company makes in the region. It is also the first time that BBC produces a remake of this format worldwide. Production has already begun.

“It is a multiplatform drama. Many things are coming out on social networks to catch people´s attention. For us it is a different type of storytelling. It isn´t something from fixed TV, it is more multiplatform for a younger audience. We are thrilled to launch it with Globo, where it can reach a very big audience and be part of Fantástico,” said Anna Gordon, Executive VP for Latin America and US Hispanic at BBC Worldwide. They also placed Junior Bake-off on Brazil´s SBT, which is done for the first time.

Gordon recalled they are doing many things in Brazil because, since last year, they launched an alliance with
Endemol Shine in that market and it is starting to render results.

“For next year, we hope to do the Latin American version of Top Gear. We are already looking for partners and
Discovery is already interested since they have the canned [finished] version, but also want to do the version for the region. We are open to making multiple versions in Latin America,” he mentioned.

He said they would participate in Mip Cancún that is an increasingly important event to connect with people in the region. “We already started to prepare what we will take to Natpe 2018 and our Showcase”.

For 2018, the big bet is MacMafia, and The Last Post, among others.

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