BritScreen 2019 in Miami

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 1 de octubre de 2019

Equipo BBC Studios 1

BBC Studios held the third edition of BritScreen in Miami, in the Silverspot Cinema downtown, with the presence of a group of company-buying clients such as A+E Networks, Viacom, HITN, HBO Latin America, Univision, among others.

The presentation was led by James Wildbore, Senior VP and General Manager of BBC Studios for LatAm and US Hispanic together with his team; Karina Dolgiej, new Content Sales VP for LatAm and US Hispanic; Ramón Rodríguez, Content Sales Accounts Executive; Alessandra Epstein, Digital Sales Director and Aaron Castellanos, Content Sales Director.

During the first session of the presentation, they showed contents of natural history, such as Seven Worlds: One Planet, Earth from Space, Earth’s Tropical Islands, Earth’s Great Rivers, Natural World: The Octopus in My House, Natural World: Florida- America’s Animal Paradise, and they announced the second season of The Spy in the Wild 2. In science, they showed The Planets, Battle of the Exoplanets; Space Wars Secrets and Sex, Knives, and Liposuction. In documentaries, they presented Crime and Punishment and the five-episode docu-series The Iraq War, among others.

In the second session they showed, in drama the new series Traces, Trigonometry, Sanditon, Summer of Rockets, The Mallorca Files and Good Omens, as well as Doctor Who, Silent Witness season two, The Durrells season four and upcoming productions like Guilt (4×60’) to be delivered in October; We Hunt Together (6×45’) for 2020; Small Axe (6×50’) soon; The Watch (8×45’) for August 2020 and The North Water (6×45’).

In factual and history, they presented Top Gear (season 27) and Life Below Zero (season 7), among others. They also showed novelties in children’s programming and comedies.

See photos of BritScreen 2019

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