Canela.Kids and iKartoons: We work together to make SúperEllas more spectacular for kids

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 13 de marzo de 2024


The second season of Canela. Kids’ original animated series, SúperEllas, which debuted on March 7 with four new episodes (four will be released later), was a joint effort between Canela and the animation production company iKartoons.

“Our Hispanic audience values family-friendly content and reflects the modern family era. Therefore, this time, we want to take viewers on an exciting journey with our two hosts, Nelly and Lucía. Together, they will find a problem and travel to the past using their magic book and a portal, discovering the origins of each SúperEllas, learning the passions, obstacles, and achievements faced by our new characters,” said Maggie Salas Amaro, director of Canela.Kids, who was also executive producer of the show since 2023.

“Canela has allowed us to be a copartner in this process, to integrate into the second and open the door to what it means to propose, exchange ideas, and dream together so the project continues to grow. This opportunity gave us the joy of meeting these characters and hugging them. This joint work has allowed us to give this season a different quality from the first and assign other characteristics to the story and animation. We worked together to make the second season more spectacular for kids,” noted Edino Israel Ferreyra, director, producer, and co-founder of iKartoons Animation.

In the second season of the series, in addition to Salas and iKartoons, Hanns Hael worked on the script; in Production coordination, Lalita Saky Guillén; in Production assistance, Anny Moreno; administrative production, Paulina Sánchez Trejo and Viviana Orduz; in the main characters voices, Juliana Sánchez; Andrea Nieto and Catalina Herrera were responsible for coordinating the recording studio; Color backgrounds and Art, Camila Valbuena; in Storyboard, Diana Esquivel; in Animation, Renatta Martínez; and Stephanie Rivera B, editing and composition. It is also worth mentioning that the founder of Canela TV, Isabel Rafferty, is a vital part of the initiative.

Salas highlighted that since Canela Media was founded by a woman -Rafferty- “it was important to have a project about Latinas who have changed the world and Isabel was the one who inspired it.”

Salas mentioned that when looking for an animation production house to take SúperEllas to the next level, the goal was to update the characters, the story, and the flow of the stories. “In the first season, the characters did not speak. The magic book and the portal are magical things because we all want to travel to the past or the future. SúperEllas have opposite and dynamic personalities.”

Israel explained that in the second season of SúperEllas, the audience will have new surprises visually regarding the main characters -Nelly and Lucía- with an updated look. “The series now has 2D cut animation to partly present a new world for our characters. The characters will speak with more movement and a new dynamic for the flow of the story.”

For the new episodes, Canela.Kids were inspired by pioneering Latinas who crossed borders by standing out as businesswomen, sports legends, Hollywood stars, and scientists. “From March 7, our viewers will meet our next SúperEllas: Jennifer López, Gabriela Sabatini, Zoe Saldana, and Olga González-Sanabria,” said Salas.

Salas added that SúperEllas, since its premiere in March 2023, has been well received. “When the first four episodes were released, it became the most viewed Kids content on VOD. The series was one with the best performance in 2023, and Selena has been the most watched episode from the first season.”

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