Cannes Lions announces 2024 See It Be It cohort, celebrating the 10th anniversary of the programme

4 de abril de 2024

Kazakhstan, Kenya and Thailand represented on the programme for the first time

Cannes Lions has announced the participants for the 2024 See It Be It talent acceleration programme for women. 19 creatives, from 14 markets have been selected to take part in this unique learning and development programme at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, taking place from 17-21 June 2024. The cohort will attend an exclusive four-day programme that includes mentorship opportunities, private masterclasses with industry leaders, as well as backstage access and session invitations tailored to each participant’s career goals.

The programme will celebrate its 10th anniversary of aiming to achieve equal gender representation among creative directors and leaders across the global industry. Since its inception, See It Be It has brought together over 120 women and non-binary people, from 33 markets. This year’s cohort will include participants from Kazakhstan, Kenya and Thailand for the first time.

This year’s Alumni Tutor, Daniela Varela, Creative Director, TBWA\Chiat\Day, selected from last year’s cohort, will support the 2024 participants to elevate their experience at the Festival and work closely with programme Ambassador, Madonna Badger, to further the impact See It Be It has on the industry well beyond the Festival week. On her appointment, Varela said: “Joining the journey of this year’s cohort is an incredible joy and a huge responsibility. They represent the programme’s 10 year legacy: a global collective of talent, inspiration and leadership that fosters and enables the change we still need to nurture in our industry. I can’t wait to see what these new 19 stellar minds will unleash.”

Commenting on the 2024 cohort, Madonna Badger, See It Be It Chairperson and Ambassador, Founder/CEO/COO, BADGER AGENCY, said: “Witnessing the collective courage, optimism and purpose of the 2024 Cannes See It Be It cohort fills me with immense pride and excitement. These exceptional creative women are reshaping the future of our industry and redefining what is possible. Their shared resolve to pursue excellence, break barriers and drive positive change is awe-inspiring and I absolutely love seeing each of them step into their power. It is an honour to connect with such a vibrant network of talent paving the way for others to flourish in our industry and beyond.”

Frank Starling, Chief DEI Officer, LIONS, added: “See It Be It brings together the best and brightest leaders from around the world and we are proud to continue our mission to challenge the creative sector’s gender imbalance and empower women and non-binary creatives to excel in their careers. Our impressive alumni are Lion-winners, changemakers, disruptors and challengers in their disciplines, paving the way forward for future participants to flourish and challenge the status quo. Congratulations to all those selected, and we look forward to welcoming you at the Festival this June.”

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