Caracol Televisión announced cast of Bolívar, Una Lucha Admirable

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 8 de marzo de 2018

Bolívar, una lucha admirable

Caracol Televisión started producing the most ambitious series about Latin America, Bolívar, Una Lucha Admirable, that will mark a before and an after in Latin America’s television.

This series will tell the story of the leader’s life before he became a legend, the story of Simón behind Bolívar, the man behind the figure. Bolívar changed the history with the idea of uniting his people to end the Spanish Empire oppression.

The series will not only tell the story of a passionate man both in and out the battlefield but will also include the details of his stormy love life, his mother’s death when he was a child, the death of his first wife a few months after they married, his multiple lovers, when he stopped to believe in love, and finally his passionate love affair with Manuelita Sáenz who played a major role in his revolutionary epic and became the love of his life.

Bolívar, Una Lucha Admirable will be starred by Luis Gerónimo Abreu as adult Bolívar, José Ramón Barreto as young Bolívar, and the Ecuadorian renown actress Shany Nadan as Manuelita Sáenz. A production with a cast of more than four hundred actors and actresses including very important international ones like Maria Jose Vargas, Rosmeri Marval, Nohely Arteaga, Abril Schreiber, Mauro Donetti, Irene Esser, Patricia Tamayo, Carlos Gutierrez, Alvaro Bayona, Ernesto Benjumea, Hans Martínez, Erick Rodríguez, Margoth Velasquez, Jefferson Quiñonez and Quique Mendoza, among others.

This ambitious production will cross all borders to be filmed on the most spectacular landscapes in Toledo and Aranjuez (Spain), and in real Colombian scenarios where the Liberator made history like Cartagena, Villa de Leyva, Monguí, Cali, Popayán and the wonderful natural landscapes of Los Nevados natural park, the Oceta Páramo, and Colombian Eastern planes.

Bolívar, Una Lucha Admirable was written by Juana Uribe, with Asier Aguilar (Surviving Escobar, Alias JJ) as executive producer, and directed by “Peto” Restrepo (Surviving Escobar, Alias JJ) and Andrés Beltrán (Undercover Law).

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