CIC Media: We produced the true crime series Señales del Crimen with Ilia Calderón for ViX

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 24 de mayo de 2023

Señales del crimen con Ilia Calderon produccion de CIC Media

The true crime series, Señales del Crimen (13×60′), launched on the TelevisaUnivision Upfront for the ViX platform, is a CIC Media production by Marlon Quintero with Noticiero Univisión journalist Ilia Calderón.

“We are very happy with the announcement of our new production with Ilia Calderón for ViX, Señales del Crimen. We are fortunate to be the production house of the show and working very well with ViX with Bilai Joa Silar (Senior VP and Head of Programming and AVOD Content, ViX Streaming) and her team. It has been extraordinary. Working with Ilia has been a pleasure. She is an excellent journalist, committed, and very involved in each phase of the process. The ViX team, the Bilai team, and Ilia have contributed with fantastic input from the journalistic, creative, narrative point of view,” expressed Quintero, general director of CIC Media.

Calderón said that the show originated because she is a big fan of true crime programs. “I learn a lot from them and I think it is also a way to validate and remember the victims. In my more than 25-year career, when I’ve interviewed people who have lost a loved one to violence, I always took away one thing: families don’t want this to happen again to anyone else. In some way, they want to teach us, without revictimizing their loved ones, that these should become lessons to be learned.”

She noted that the show is handled in a journalistic way, with great seriousness and quality. “We’re giving voice to the victims’ relatives in order to tell their stories, who they were, what they were like, and how everything happened. I believe that there is nothing more valid for a family member than being able to be the voice of those that were taken from them. I am very excited about the program. I’ve been involved in the whole process.”

The first season will focus only on femicides. “Because it is an evil that affects our society, specifically in Latin America. And not all countries classify femicide as an aggravating circumstance. In countries like Mexico, Colombia, and Peru femicide is an aggravating circumstance, but not in the US. This type of program serves to call the attention of lawmakers so that they revisit the existing laws and crimes like this be judged for what they are,” she concluded.

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