CNN en Español celebrates its 20th anniversary

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 16 de marzo de 2017

Cynthia Hudson, SVP and general manager of CNN en Español and Hispanic strategy for CNN/U.S.

It was March 17, 1997 at 6 o’clock, when CNN en Español began its first broadcast. Since then, the network has uninterruptedly covered important events such as: political elections, wars, entertainment news, movements that have changed the course in history, and much more.  

The premiere of this network represented the beginning of a 24-hour spanish-language news channel in the region, and a revolution for Spanish-language journalism in the Americas.

CNN en Español began with only 4 million cable TV subscribers. Twenty years later, it has grown to become a cross-platform operation that reaches more than 49 million spanish-speaking households in Latin America and the United States through TV, and more than 20 million of users via web, mobile, radio and social media.

CNN en Español also has the most followed spanish news accounts in social media on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and Instagram. Through these channels, the network provides comprehensive, accurate, in-depth information of the most relevant news events of the region and the world.

“When CNN en Español began broadcasting in March 1997, it would have been impossible to predict the resources that would be at our disposal 20 years later to do journalism: the speed of communications, smartphones, social media. But the fundamental values that guided us then remain unchanged and are today more essential than ever: our commitment to rigor and discipline in the pursuit of truth, responsible investigative journalism and attention to details. In the past 20 years CNN en Español has made an invaluable contribution to journalism in our region and to the lives of our audiences, and for that we are deeply proud,” said Cynthia Hudson, SVP and general manager of CNN en Español and Hispanic strategy for CNN/U.S.

To commemorate this 20th Anniversary, CNN en Español has prepared a series of initiatives to air throughout the year. The first will be seen this Friday, March 17 at 9pm (EST), with the premiere of a special anniversary program presented by the senior anchor, Patricia Janiot; CNN: 20 years of history. During this special broadcast, the audience will enjoy a retelling some of the most important and relevant moments of recent stories lived under the lens of CNN en Español, shared by the network’s own journalists.

In addition, the network’s web platform CNNEspañol.com, will commemorate the occasion with a dedicated section CNNEspañol.com/cnnee20. which includes videos of historical moments, reflections of the journalists on emblematic coverages, greetings from some of the most influential personalities of the region and the world, and much more.

Café CNN will premiere the series Un Café con Historia, which will highlight the most shocking stories CNN en Español has covered in the last 20 years.

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