Coors Light returns to the Super Bowl for the third straight year with a new take on Choose Chill

25 de octubre de 2024

This announcement comes as Coors Light continues its investment in pro football

For the third year in a row, the brand will bring some chill to the most popular game in U.S. sports, the Super Bowl. The Big Game in February 2024 pulled in over 123 million viewers, and according to Nielsen, that’s the “largest audience for a single-network telecast to date.”

While details about the ad are currently under wraps, Molson Coors’ Chief Marketing Officer Sofia Colucci says the company couldn’t wait to return to the game.

“In 2025, Coors Light will bring a new take on Choose Chill to one of the largest stages in the country and we can’t wait for you to see it,” she said in a post on Miller Coors’ blog. “From our college football team alliances to partnerships with some of the chillest players on and off the field, Coors Light and football belong together. Next year, expect to see more mountain-cold refreshment and more chill from Coors Light in the Big Game.”

This announcement comes as Coors Light continues its investment in pro football, including a series of promotions with one of the biggest names in the sport. The brand also has over 40 college football team alliances and is partnering again with the most popular college game day pre-game show.

For 30 years, Molson Coors’ brands couldn’t purchase ad time during the big game because the league had an exclusive deal with a rival beer company – Anheuser-Busch -.  But that changed in 2023 when Molson Coors unveiled “The High-Stakes Beer Ad.” The spot pitted its top two brands, Coors Light and Miller Lite, in an action-packed feud to become the sole star of the commercial before Blue Moon snuck in at the end to take the spotlight.  The novel concept was a hit, becoming one of the top-rated ads of the game.

In 2024, Coors Light returned to the game with a solo spot, reintroducing it’s classic Chill Train (Droga5) after a 12-year absence. In the star-studded commercial, the train crisscrossed the country to bring some much-needed chill to a family gathering.

The ad drew raves on social media, and an extended version appeared online, featuring 100 lucky fans, including the brand’s cult mascot, Beer Wolf.

While Colucci couldn’t reveal what direction Coors Light would take with the new ad, the brand is ready to make a significant impact.

“From ‘The High Stakes Beer Ad’ to the return of the iconic Chill Train, we are constantly finding ways to level up our creativity and next year’s Big Game will be no different,” Colucci noted.

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