Dove and Edelman Celebrate Aging Beauty with “Beauty Never Gets Old” Campaign

22 de agosto de 2024

The piece features real women over 60 who consider themselves long-time users of the product

“For generations, the Dove Beauty Bar has been a symbol of gentle care and lasting beauty,” highlighting its 67-year legacy as a Unilever brand. In celebration of this anniversary and in response to a recent Dove study revealing that 66% of women feel pressured to maintain a youthful appearance, the brand launched the “Beauty Never Gets Old” campaign. Conceived in partnership with Edelman, the initiative seeks to redefine aging as an aspiration.

The beauty industry perpetuates the stigma against aging by rarely, if ever, including older women in advertising. Dove’s latest campaign challenges the root of these issues: unrealistic expectations of beauty placed on women and girls of all ages.

To challenge the misconception that beauty is solely associated with youth, the campaign features ten real women over the age of 60 who are dedicated Dove Beauty Bar users. Produced by Edelman’s creative team, the piece showcases the diverse experiences of aging and highlights the fact that older women can be just as glamorous and beautiful.

“What better way to fight the stigma of age than to increase the visibility of the legions of beautiful, glamorous, confident, badass women for girls and women to look up to,” said Megan Skelly, EVP, executive creative director at Edelman. “If this is what aging looks like, what are we afraid of?”

Directed by Reed Morano and produced by Caviar, the video showcases each woman in a personalized style that complements her unique personality, which has undoubtedly grown with age. The accompanying music, provided by Big Sync Music, adds another layer to the piece, energizing the protagonists.

The “Beauty Never Gets Old” campaign portrays women as strong individuals, rather than fragile stereotypes like mothers, grandmothers, or wives. For instance, Maureen confidently practices gymnastics and playfully makes faces in the mirror while applying makeup. Vanessa exudes a rebellious spirit, combining Converse sneakers with her guitar playing. Althea embraces self-care and indulgence, enjoying Chinese food in a bubble bath. These cast members radiate an aura of dominance and power, a stark contrast to the fragility often associated with women their age.

“We didn’t make this up,” said Skelly, noting the authenticity of the stories presented. “This is what aging today looks like: it’s full of joy, style, strength and attitude.”

The campaign will be amplified through creator tie-ins, an out-of-home takeover in New York and Los Angeles and paid media across social, digital and television. It will also have a tie-in with reality series Golden Bachelor later this year.

Watch the spot of the “Beauty Never Gets Old” Campaign

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