El Gourmet: In the last three years we have produced 22 formats in Mexico or more than 300 programs

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 4 de noviembre de 2022

Alejandro Ruiz y Mandi Ciriza de El Gourmet

Mexico In A Tortilla is the new original production of El Gourmet, starring chef Alejandro Ruiz that will premiere this Tuesday the 1st at 9:30 pm. This content reinforces the signal relationship with Mexico, a country that in the last three years they have produced 22 different formats or more than 300 programs.

“We wanted to bet on this format because El Gourmet’s hallmark is an original production, mainly Mexican; and within the challenge of offering different and attractive formats to the audience of 23 countries, we saw that it includes a great star, corn, a versatile and important ingredient in that gastronomy for many generations. In this program, the chef made about 50 recipes, beyond the tortilla,” explained Mandi Ciriza, Senior VP of Programming at El Gourmet.

Throughout 22 episodes, Mexico In A Tortilla begins explaining the ancient nixtamalization of corn, to prepare the base dough to make tortillas and then, step by step, traditional recipes from different regions of the country, from north to south, like the Baja-style tacos or seafood tostadas or the Yucatan panuchos.

For Ciriza, this program complements the more than 200 hours of original production for Mexico in a year, premiering between 15 and 20 hours a week: “The challenge of a thematic channel about gastronomy 24/7 is to find appealing content. In the last three years, we have produced 22 different formats in this country, which means more than 300 programs, taking into account that we must be ingenious, creative, ambitious, and demanding. Pay TV is an added value, a special content made by professionals for a very demanding public”.

He stressed that, with 22 years on the air, El Gourmet has become a flagship channel in the AMC Networks portfolio, by becoming the only one that bets on the original production, which is why they will begin recording new content this November that will reach the screen in 2023: “We have just released La Ruta Del Cacao and in a few weeks we will launch a new one. In January we will have premieres and to close the year there will be Christmas specials”.

Diario de Hoy

viernes, 14 de marzo de 2025


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