“Employees Only” Experience Puts a Spotlight on the Positive Impact of a Job at McDonald’s

3 de octubre de 2024

Employees Only es una serie de eventos que brindan a los empleados pasados y presentes acceso exclusivo a oportunidades de networking y tutoría, historias de éxito inspiradoras y consejos de exalumnos destacados

1 in 8 Americans are living proof that a job at McDonald’s is more than just serving burgers and fries. It’s about being part of a community unlike any other and gaining valuable experience to help grow your career. More than 70% of past and present crew members, known as the “1 in 8,” say the Golden Arches is where they learned key skills they’ve used throughout their careers – like communication, collaboration, dependability and leadership. And nearly half of the 1 in 8 say their job at McDonald’s created opportunities they wouldn’t have gotten otherwise.

“Crew are the heart and soul of McDonald’s, and we take pride in recognizing them for all they do to make our fans’ days a little more golden,” they pointed out.

With this in mind, McDonald’s launched Employees Only, a first-of-its-kind event series celebrating the 1 in 8. These events provide past and present Crew exclusive access to networking and mentorship opportunities, inspiring success stories and advice from accomplished alumni, and unforgettable experiences that foster connection and excitement around being in the 1 in 8 community.

The title Employees Only is a nod to the iconic doors seen at McDonald’s restaurants across the country. What happens behind these doors is so much more than you might imagine – it’s a unique shared experience that unlocks vital skills and opportunities to harness endless career possibilities.

Hosted in our hometown of Chicago, the Employees Only launch featured a star-studded roster of 1 in 8ers including comedian and SNL alum Chris Redd, who performed a stand-up set inspired by his time as a crew member – sharing how his experiences over two stints at McDonald’s gave him the drive and work ethic to embark on a successful comedy career.

The cast also included James Beard award-winning chef Kwame Onwuachi, who put his signature Afro-Caribbean twist on McDonald’s Spicy Buffalo Sauce and McDonald’s Tangy Barbeque Sauce during a live cooking demo. He also talked about how the skills he learned as a crew member – including running a kitchen – helped propel him to culinary stardom. And actress, TV host and Emmy Award winner Clarissa Molina, who tapped her personal experience to inspire 1 in 8ers and spoke about how her time at McDonald’s prepared her to become Miss Dominican Republic 2015, place Top 6 in Miss Universe and win Nuestra Belleza Latina VIP in 2017.

Chris, Kwame and Clarissa also joined fellow 1 in 8ers Faith Taylor – an Archways to Opportunity graduate – and franchise owner Gianna Funkhouser on a Fryside Chat panel. During this Q&A session with attendees, they talked about their career journeys, what it means to be part of the 1 in 8 and how having a job at McDonald’s played an instrumental role in their success.

“Nowadays, people are surprised to hear that one of my first jobs was at McDonald’s,” said Chris Redd. “When I look back on those times, I remember McDonald’s always had my back. Once I stepped through those Employees Only doors, I learned what it means to put real work ethic to practice, which is a must if you want to survive as a comedian – or really in any profession.”

In addition to connecting with notable alumni and other 1 in 8ers, attendees received professional headshots, toured a historic uniform exhibit showing crew apparel over the years, participated in a friendly skills challenge, and picked up limited-edition swag at an exclusive merch station.

“We’ve heard from members of the 1 in 8 that they feel a sense of pride in being part of this exclusive club and the shared experience a job at McDonald’s brings,” said Alma Anguiano, U.S. National Field People Officer at McDonald’s and 1 in 8er. “Employees Only is just one example of our ongoing commitment to connect past and present Crew members, provide them with exclusive opportunities like mentorships with notable alumni who’ve gone on to make an impact in the world, and so much more.”

From Thank You Crew and Homecoming to Employees Only events, we’re building upon experiences we’ve hosted exclusively for crew members over the past few years to help them grow, whether at McDonald’s or beyond.

Now, with Employees Only events, we’re taking it to another level. Over the next several months, the series will roll out in cities across the country – for example, San Diego and Washington D.C. – to create spaces for connection, discussion and networking among the 1 in 8 community.

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