ESPN Deportes: A successful 2013-2014 upfront year

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 8 de octubre de 2013

John Fitzgerald, VP of Advertising Sales & Marketing of ESPN Deportes

According to John Fitzgerald, VP of Advertising Sales & Marketing of ESPN Deportes, the channel has seen double-digit growth in its 2013-2014 upfront.“We are in a great run right now, we are wrapping up a successful 2013-2014 upfront. A couple of important things happened: the first thing was we saw the marketplace come more towards total media, meaning they are looking for solutions for wherever the consumer goes. This is very good for ESPN Deportes because we can deliver all those people and all that media: ESPN Deportes Radio, mobile, dot.com and of course ESPN Deportes the television network and ESPN Deportes La Revista,” said Fitzgerald enthusiastically.He also discussed ESPN’s initiative for Hispanic Heritage Month, One Nación.“On the total market side, for instance, we are in the midst of Hispanic Heritage Month and what ESPN at large is doing is creating a platform called One Nación, so that platform goes across ESPN mobile, digital, TV, radio and ESPN Deportes TV, radio, digital and mobile. We are very excited about that. We have two partners that joined: Gillette and Jack Daniels,” said Fitzgerald.He also spoke about the launch of ESPN Sync and how the company has leveraged it in the advertising sales area.“One of the things that ESPN has been very good at is finding technology to reach fans. That is what ESPN Deportes.com and mobile are. ESPN Sync is a media companion application so as you are watching big events, you get smarter about it. We did a partnership with SMG Group, with Tapestry and MV42 clients and they will be partnering with us over the course of the next 52 weeks. We are very excited about it because Tapestry and MV42 are leaders in this space and we believe we are leaders in the space, and we partner and bring something to the fan that they need and they have asked for,” added Fitzgerald.To conclude, he pointed out the company is doing well with advertisers in general but particularly well in the categories of pharmaceuticals (Pfizer), and technology (Microsoft, Samsung and Virgin Mobile).

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