Fanatiz: Offering soccer in a single place

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 10 de octubre de 2019

Jose Romero Matias Fanatiz

Fanatiz, sports OTT focused on soccer, born two years ago, was present in Sportv Series Latin America from Miami.

“We created Fanatiz as a legal and high-quality alternative, available on all devices—web, mobile, smarTV—to watch the greatest amount of soccer possible la mayor for the greatest amount of fans,” explains Matías Rivera Larrain, co-founder and CEO of Fanatiz.

In the US they air leagues mainly from South America and Europe. They have distribution agreements with beIN SPORTS, GolTV, TyC Sports and work with multiples leagues in the region.

“Our goal is for the soccer fan to find all the content he wants to watch in a single place at a convenient price. If today someone wants to watch LaLiga in the US, we are the most economical alternative with our US$7.99 price per month,” expressed Rivera.

Rivera added that they are growing strong. They have clients in more than 90 countries and possess great focus in the US.

In South America, they have the Argentine, Colombian, Bolivian, and Peruvian leagues and they also work with Golf Channel. “We are your exclusive partner for OTT in the region.”

“The Hispanic market is extremely important for us because there is no doubt that this segment leads to soccer consumption in the US. But we are all around the world and a great deal of our content comes from Latin America, so it is not only the US Hispanic market but Latinos that are outside, as well,” said José Romero, Chief Marketing Officer at Fanatiz.

Fanatiz can be watched online through Fanatiz.com and on the most popular devices such as Roku, Fire TV and on the Apple and Android app stores.

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