Fernando Barbosa of Disney: Gradually expanding content distribution to different platforms

29 de mayo de 2024

Ríchard Izarra EN VIVO with Disney’s Fernando Barbosa

The Walt Disney Company Latin America held its usual industry screening for the Latin American market on Wednesday, the 22nd, from its studios in Burbank, California. The event was attended by top executives from the company as well as numerous buyers from various broadcast, pay-TV channels, and different platforms.

Fernando Barbosa, SVP of Distribution and Production for Disney Latin America, spoke live with Ríchard and Roko Izarra, the executive team of PRODU, explaining what was showcased during the presentation while discussing industry changes, upcoming projects, and Disney’s strategy for the near future.

During the interview, Barbosa mentioned some of the productions coming soon to Disney screens, such as the new season of El Encargado, Entre Paredes, Amor da Minha Vida, the reality show Los Chávez, and another featuring Kun Agüero. He also noted the return of Pedro el Escamoso to screens, in a major collaboration with Caracol TV of Colombia. Additionally, Barbosa highlighted some upcoming blockbuster movies for the company, including Inside Out 2, Mufasa, Moana 2, the new Deadpool movie, and a new Captain America film, among others.

Barbosa emphasized the presence of buyers from various distribution channels, noting that Disney is returning to the distribution market more aggressively than in recent years. “We are a bit more open to distribution, not 100% like before, but gradually the studio and the company are realizing that placing products on other platforms can serve as a small boost, allowing them to have a wider reach and, in turn, perform better on our platform,” he said.

“The distribution muscle that Disney has, along with all the company’s connections, can be utilized more effectively. One cannot expect a brand to thrive or expand throughout its life without venturing onto other platforms. With those other platforms, we push our product and make it more well-known,” Barbosa concluded.

EN VIVO with Fernando Barbosa of Disney Latin America

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