Fremantle Mexico: Looking for partners for three premium drama series projects in Mexico, Brazil, and US Hispanic

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 24 de junio de 2022

Manuel Marti de Fremantle Mexico

Manuel Marti, Head of Scripted Content Development for Latin America at Fremantle Mexico, attends Conecta Fiction & Entertainment presenting three premium drama series projects with “local flavor” Brazil, Mexico, and US Hispanic, and of interest to the international market, looking for partners.

Marti is also participating as a jury of the co-productions pitch, “that was very good, the amount and quality of the projects were very good”, and is additionally in the SGAE (Sociedad General de Autores y Editores) mentoring, whose “idea is to give support to Spanish writers with their projects so they can be more attractive for platforms and clients” he said.

Offering his opinion on the moment fiction production is going through in Latin America, the executive commented: “our area of the world, mainly Mexico, and Mexicans in the US, has increasingly realized that it is a market of 260 million souls and there isn’t enough content volume for that amount of people. They also realized that 1 out of every 4 kids under 18 in the US is of Latin descent and that also makes it a very sought-after audience for platforms. I think the change today is that everyone is trying to make content in English for third-generation Latinos in the US. This is a huge change”.

He added that Fremantle continues to be one of the largest studios in the world, they have realized that the region has great potential. “Since the partnership with Fabula, with The Immigrant, we have our eyes set on the region and I think our presence is going to be even bigger” he ended.

Watch EN VIVO with Manuel Marti

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