Globo jounalist Pedro Andrade, Univision reporter Mariana Atencio and comedian Yannis Pappas to host The Morning Show on Fusion

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 24 de octubre de 2013

The Morning Show debuts Tuesday, October 29

Fusion – the news, pop-culture and satire TV and digital network from ABC and Univision launching October 28 – announced its daily morning program The Morning Show, hosted by Globo journalist Pedro Andrade, Univision reporter Mariana Atencio and comedian Yannis Pappas. Starting Tuesday, October 29, the weekday two-hour broadcast (7-9am ET) will join Fusion’s programming lineup that will engage and champion a young and diverse America with a unique mix of original reporting, lifestyle content and comedy programming. The Morning Show on Fusion will be filled with smart, edgy, funny and compelling stories. The audience will become a part of a free-flowing conversation that is high-energy and informative. The program will be a venue for newsmakers – from politicians and entrepreneurs to celebrities and entertainers – to reach the youngest, most diverse, and fastest growing audience in America. Pedro, Mariana and Yannis will also blend humor and analysis to tackle topics ranging from how the definition of the American Dream is changing for young Americans to asking questions like “is it possible to copyright a tattoo?’” or “what is the best year in music history?” “With a diverse set of hosts and a bold, irreverent voice unique to Fusion, we’ll create a new, entertaining and engaging morning routine for our audience. Our viewers sleep with their smart phones by their side because they never want to miss a beat. The Morning Show will feed that appetite on-air and online by sparking lively conversations around the latest trending topics and delivering compelling stories infused with humor,” said Isaac Lee, CEO of Fusion.

Diario de Hoy

martes, 25 de marzo de 2025


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Se celebra el 70 aniversario de la publicación de Pedro Páramo, la novela de Juan Rulfo recientemente llevada a pantalla por Netflix. A propósito de ello, anuncian proyecto para fortalecer a la industria del cine al sur de Jalisco.
