Hispanic Market Guide from HMC: A Comprehensive Playbook To Help Marketers Stop Latino Coating & Reach The Hispanic Market With Authenticity

17 de junio de 2024

Guide Provides Market Intelligence and Connects Brands with Trusted Hispanic Marketing Experts 

On the heels of launching its #STOPLATINOCOATING campaign, the Hispanic Marketing Council (HMC) has released its highly anticipated 2024 Hispanic Market Guide as a roadmap to help marketers effectively and authentically connect with U.S. Latinos, currently positioned as the fifth largest global economy. This year marks the 25th edition of the market guide, which has served as a valuable resource for the industry and a vehicle for helping brands tap into the Hispanic opportunity.

The HMC 2024 Hispanic Market Guide explains “Latino Coating”—complete with its definition and a checklist of offending practices—and provides step-by-step instructions on getting Hispanic marketing right. It also features business-building cultural insights, economic and sector data plus reports on media consumption, purchase behavior and Hispanic creativity. The publication, geared towards newcomer and veteran brands alike, is available to view online or download for free.

“We are taking a more aggressive stance to course-correct many of the well-intentioned but faulty marketing practices we have seen targeting Latinos—what we are calling ‘Latino Coating,'” said HMC Chair Isabella Sanchez, VP of Media Integration at Zubi. “According to McKinsey & Co, more than a third of Latinos are dissatisfied with current products or value propositions being offered, so what many marketers are currently doing isn’t working. The HMC Hispanic Market Guide is a valuable playbook for CMOs to get it right… or kiss their careers goodbye.”

Featuring the latest trends in Hispanic marketing plus business-building research from HMC, Nielsen, Kantar and TikTok, the 25th edition of the market guide is the authoritative source for identifying companies with trusted Hispanic marketing expertise.

Highlights include:

  1. Advertising, media and marketing companies vetted by the HMC that specialize in the Hispanic market.
  2. Key advertiser and agency relationships, sectors and contacts.
  3. Impactful economic data, sector stats and key opportunities.
  4. Top trends for marketers, including major cultural and demographic shifts, the strategic use of language, the power of in-culture spaces and cross-cultural content, the higher expectations Latinos have for brands, and the demand for authentic representation.
  5. Comprehensive demographic, marketing and media information—including a special section on radio by the Radio Advertising Bureau (RAB).
  6. A profile on key Hispanic advertising featuring purpose-driven campaigns that harnessed cultural insights, diversity and creativity by Círculo Creativo USA.

“It’s time for brands to deconstruct their idea of ‘general market’ in today’s multicultural reality. Brands simply can’t grow without Hispanic marketing,” added Sanchez. “This guide provides a one-stop-shop of insights, data, case studies, best practices and a directory of trusted experts that brands can put into immediate action,” added Sanchez.

The 2024 HMC Hispanic Market Guide is available at hispanicmarketingcouncil.org/hispanic-market-guide/.

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