HITN announces second season of Mundo Salvaje

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 19 de noviembre de 2019

Mundo Salvaje Ron McGill

HITN TV announced the premiere of the second season of its popular series Mundo Salvaje con Ron Magill. This new production was shot on location in South Africa and is hosted by conservationist and wildlife photographer, Ron Magill, who is also the director of Communications of Zoo Miami. 

Mundo Salvaje con Ron Magill will air every Monday at 9pm Eastern / 9pm Pacific, starting November 25 as part of HITN’s Tu Planeta programming block.

“Wildlife has become a key genre for HITN and Mundo Salvaje is our flagship program within this category. Given the success of the series, we are very excited to premiere this second season, having taken it a higher level, shooting with Ron among the animals in their natural habitat,” said Erika Vogt-Lowell, director of Programming and Acquisitions at HITN.

Ron Magill presents each episode and provides fascinating facts in his uniquely engaging style, which has made him a favorite personality among HITN’s audience.

The second season of Mundo Salvaje con Ron Magill will feature a wild range of exciting topics about animal survival from unique and unexpected defenses to amazing tricks and behaviors. The audience will discover how animals of all shapes and sizes from all areas of the world must rise to the challenge of survival.

“For the production of this series, we were able to combine a number of resources including ultra-high definition cameras and professional drones that will provide the audience with a unique perspective of amazing animals including African elephants, giraffes, lions, and other exciting species,” said Laura Masnatta, executive producer at HITN.

This production is a collaboration between HITN and Off the Fence, one of the most prestigious natural history producers in the world. For the on-location segments, HITN worked with Fort Films, a premier South African production company. Mundo Salvaje con Ron Magill will be available to the audience at any time through HITN’s mobile app.

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