HITN launches ¡Tú Cuentas! Cine Youth Festival

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 20 de febrero de 2020

Mike Nieves 2

HITN TV announced that entries are officially being accepted for the first edition of the ¡Tú Cuentas! Cine Youth Festival to debut from April 15 – May 15, 2020. The initiative is being presented in collaboration with Northeastern Illinois University, Roberto Clemente Community Academy and Philadelphia Latino Film Festival. 

Presented under the theme The Past meets The Present and Moves into the Future, the ¡Tú Cuentas! Cine Youth Festival is designed to support emerging Latinx filmmakers in their creative endeavors, embracing a wide range of film genres that showcase the talents, vision, history, and culture of historically underrepresented communities.

It seeks to champion the voices of those who are currently struggling for visibility on screen and behind the camera by providing a platform for young changemakers to express themselves through art, creativity, and innovation.

“We wanted to showcase the unique perspectives and experiences of young Latinos, and we decided the best way to do this was to give young Latinos a platform to express their perspectives through film,” said Michael D. Nieves, president, and CEO of HITN.

“Films are one of the most powerful forms of storytelling. They are highly effective at raising awareness, improving understanding and inspiring action and these are precisely our goals with this inaugural film festival,” added Alejandro Molina, ¡Tú Cuentas! Cine Youth Festival Coordinator.

The ¡Tú Cuentas! Cine Youth Festival initiative is looking for short films that feature a Latinx in a creative lead position either in front or behind the camera. High school and college students are invited to direct, shoot and create their own short films to enter into the festival. English or Spanish-language works of fiction or nonfiction are welcome. Filmmakers are invited to submit their short films for one of the following categories: Technology, Arts & Culture, Environment, Education, Social Empowerment. All film genres, including documentary, drama, animation, comedy, and narrative, are eligible.

Qualified filmmakers can submit their entries on CineYouthFest.org through Film Freeway. The submission period opened February and runs through Sunday, April 5, 2020. The list of selected videos for the ¡Tú Cuentas! Cine Youth Festival will be announced on Wednesday, April 8th and the selection will be screened on CineYouthFest.org from April 15 – May 15, 2020.

Judges will select two winners from a pool of finalists. A grand prize winner will be selected to receive a cash prize, an additional student scholarship will be awarded to the outstanding work submitted by a student. Winners will be announced on May 22, 2020.

More info. CineYouthFest.org

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