HITN presents special programming stunt El Reino del León

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 16 de julio de 2019

Africa Salvaje HITN

HITN announced a special programming stunt, El Reino del León, (The Reign of the Lion) airing Saturday, July 20 and Sunday, July 21 at 5pm Eastern/Pacific, and Monday, July 22 through Friday, July 26 at 9pm Eastern/Pacific.

“Audiences show great interest in the world of nature, and in lions and other big cats, especially. In response, we have organized an exciting week-long programming event showcasing our top nature series,” explained Erika Vogt-Lowell, the network’s director of Programming and Acquisitions.

Since its launch, HITN’s Tu Planeta programming block features a series about nature and wild animals and has become the undisputed leader in the genre among Spanish language Pay TV networks in the United States. Its audience numbers have experienced steady growth, especially among families that enjoy watching television together.

The July programming stunt will include two of the most popular series in this genre, África Salvaje and Los Grandes Felinos. Both present interesting facts about African animals, including why the lion is known as the king of the jungle. Audiences will also be invited to watch for clues offered as part of an interactive contest to win a family trip to Disney’s Animal Kingdom theme park in Orlando, Florida.

“We will be supporting this event across all of our digital screens. In addition to learning a lot about animals, viewers will be able to take part in games and a contest where they can use their skill to win exciting prizes,” said Maximiliano Vaccaro, VP of Digital Services at HITN.

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