HITN: Record growth in 2Q 2020 ratings

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 23 de junio de 2020

Erika Vogt

HITN TV has reported record growth in its ratings this 2nd Quarter, achieving the highest numbers to date as the coronavirus continues. According to Nielsen rankings, HITN TV has seen major increases during various dayparts, including daytime, early fringe, and prime, with an average of around 35% year over year.  

Since the crisis erupted in March, HITN’s programming delivery has been on the rise week after week. Cornerstone programs such as Al Descubierto and Centro Médico have broken viewership records in April. As the weeks go by, the need to stay informed about the pandemic has been balanced with the audience’s need for a breather. This reality is demonstrated in the audience peaks reached in April by nature programs such as Planeta Helado, Mundo Salvaje con Ron Magill, Animales Maravillosos, Tesoros de Asia, Historia de la Vida, Planeta Selva, and Felinos, all of which are part of the television block Tu Planeta.

One of the most outstanding successes is that of HITNs brand Vida y Salud. In mid-March, HITN launched its COVID-19 campaign to provide real-time informative content about the coronavirus. This included the #YoMeQuedoEnCasa, stay at home campaign, daily primetime reports, and informational capsules to help families navigate during the pandemic. In addition, the VidaySalud.com website continuously provided updated information on the COVID-19 pandemic, with the latest recommendations from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC). The site is supplemented by email newsletters sent to millions of subscribers, and by daily posts on social media along with Facebook Lives hosted by medical experts.

“At HITN we are incredibly proud to provide Hispanic homes an extraordinary offering of factual entertainment that keeps the entire family company during this time of crisis. Our programming and production teams have been working very hard throughout this crisis to bring reliable and useful information, as well as much needed entertainment to thousands of viewers across the nation,” said Erika Vogt-Lowell, director of Programming and Acquisitions for HITN.

HITN has also seen tremendous growth in its digital and social media platforms during the last months. The sites, hitn.tv and vidaysalud.com combined saw a significant boost with 1.3 million unique users in March and 1.2 Million unique users in April. In addition, more than 5 Million monthly educational and informative newsletters were sent during the coronavirus outbreak. HITN’s social Media campaigns have seen significant performance and engagement increase, with a reach of 28 Million+ users spanning across 46 countries.

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Recientemente finalizó por TVN de Chile la primera temporada del programa de entretenimiento Mi nombre es, formato de Banijay Group. El show terminó liderando con 9,7 puntos de rating, alcanzando un pico de 12,8 puntos durante su episodio final, superando a Mega (6,2 puntos), CHV (5,7 puntos) y Canal 13 (5,4 puntos). La respuesta del público permitió que el programa se convirtiera en uno de los más vistos del día, según el ranking diario de Kantar Ibope Media.

este mes comenzó el rodaje de Familia a la Deriva, la nueva película de Tiger House, Pampa Films, Yellow Kingdom, Gloriamundi Producciones y No Idea Entertainment, dirigida por Alfonso Pineda Ulloa y distribuida por Star Distribution.

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