HITN: SVOD Avanza platform will be authenticated through cable operators

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 5 de diciembre de 2017

Guillermo Sierra, Head of TV and Digital Services at HITN

HITN launched its SVOD Avanza platform in Spanish, a service that will allow subscribers to access free of charge to all the channel’s contents in the moment, place and device of their preference.

“It’s called Avanza because HITN’s mission is to help the Hispanic community to progress, achieve all its goals. We believe that this new communication tool, that uses all the possibilities within the digital revolution, will enable this happening in the way we design it from the beginning. We’ve created a very solid platform, with a great amount of content, many episodes of the series we’re already broadcasting at HITN, but we’re including also a selection of first level premium content for preschoolers to help Hispanic families to have access to premium content in Spanish for their children. This service is called Avanza Kids” explained Guillermo Sierra, Head of TV and Digital Services at HITN.

Sierra said that Avanza will be available through cable operators, which will be offering it directly to their subscribers. “We have a very clear partnership with them. We’re not going to sell directly to the customer. We believe that they are the ones that are in contact with users, and this is how we want to keep it going” he added.

The service will be available on iOS, Android and Apple TV to begin. Applicaster is Avanza’s technological partner.

“From the first day, we’re offering users and cable operators a complete service that will continue to grow and broaden with this platform. Applicaster is currently on many channels around the world and has offices in many countries. It has been a very important technological partner for us” Sierra commented.

Avanza is built with cutting-edge digital tools which will be authenticated through Adobe in order to connect directly to the cable operators’ billing systems.

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