iKartoons Animation: Working on 10 properties in various stages of development and offering full animation services

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 22 de febrero de 2023

Edino Israel Ferreyra de iKartoons

Edino Israel Ferreyra, with 20 years of experience as an artist, producer, and animation director and director of Development and Production at iKartoons Animation revealed in # PRODUprimetime with Ríchard Izarra that they are working on 10 properties in different stages of development that will be introduced at the Kidscreen Summit 2023 in Miami. “Today we are providing a service that is complete (full services)” in animation, he added.

Israel co-founded iKartoons Animation together with Peter López and Jorge Otero, and the firm has offices and work teams in Miami, Colombia, Mexico, and Argentina.

In addition to working with “an excellent human group in Miami and Mexico,” according to Israel, Ikartoons Animation also has part of its 2D team in Colombia, a large part of the 3D team is in Mexico and some other “excellent” collaborators are in Argentina. He explains that they “literally” can address a client’s idea drafted on a piece of paper and then develop it, write the scripts; generate the visual part of the characters, the universe, and all the production; the post-production, create original music, do the dubbing and adaptation to different languages and the delivery in the formats and the quality standard required by all platforms.

He said that this industry is constantly growing, with both technological and adaptation challenges in the market. “It’s continuously giving us lessons that we value and take advantage of, and thanks to that we grow. We are happy to be so close to an audience of kids and family, addressing topics that they like so much and at the same time feed the spirit, the soul, giving a positive message, which is one of our missions.”

Israel explains that, in addition to offering services, they build original intellectual properties (IP). “Our bet is creating not only what is known as a viable pitch, but also building models that can be tested internally and introduced to the clients. In this case, it can be episodes, where we write the scripts, put everything together, package it, and offer it to the channels, and networks in order to find common ground to work together.”

Currently, iKartoons has a catalog with 10 properties in different stages of development. “Within all these properties, some already have animated visual materials, and developed scripts, others are just well-matured concepts, crafted with our directors; and one, in particular, has already financing promise on the condition of finding a window interested in this project. This is a very important opportunity because what we require is something relatively attractive for any platform to already have a full season of animation without having to take a high risk and be able to join as a partner. We are very excited to be able to meet with friends from other markets and bring them this proposal,” he expressed.

Israel explains that iKartoons Animation is focused on content for the family, mostly on kid’s audiences. “We are specialized in this field from preschool to what is considered ‘kids’, between two to 12 years maximum, and there we have invested most of our resources and experience.”

He explained how they came to work with Anna Toomey, who is developing a documentary about dyslexia. “It has been a pleasure to work with her and to be able to delve into this subject, to understand how deep are all the contexts around the children with this challenge and we loved the work. In fact, we liked it so much that we’re doing a film and developing a series that we’re going to present on Kidscreen.”

He added that they are always looking for projects that go beyond entertainment. “Able to feed an audience that is so special and on which the future of humanity depends. We understand that animation, unlike other narrative techniques, lasts for a very long time, the content remains and is seen many times, so we have to take care of the details of what we mean with each element.”

View the interview with Edino Israel, iKartoons Animation in #PRODUprimetime with Ríchard Izarra

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