International singer Paulina Rubio joins Telemundo´singing competition La Voz Kids

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 19 de marzo de 2013

Paulina Rubio is the first of three music coaches on the network’s upcoming singing competition

Telemundo Media announces award-winning international star Paulina Rubio will join as the first of three music coaches on the network’s upcoming singing competition La Voz Kids, slated to premiere in the spring. Following the enormous success of The Voice in the U.S. and across international markets, Paulina Rubio joins the global hit competition featuring young kids between seven and 14 years of age as contestants. La Voz Kids premieres with thrilling blind auditions followed by the battle rounds and live shows. The country’s best young vocalists will try to impress Paulina Rubio and two additional top recording artists – soon to be announced. La Voz Kids will give Telemundo’s audience the opportunity to witness how stars of the future are discovered and developed by these expert celebrity coaches. The winner of La Voz Kids will receive a recording contract with Universal Music and a scholarship.“Paulina Rubio is an extremely accomplished and talented artist with a unique and highly recognizable persona and voice in the U.S. and around the world. Having her as a coach in this first-of-a-kind show is a true honor for us. As a former child singer herself, she is in a unique position to share her own experience with the contestants, in the journey to make their dreams come true,” said Daniel Cubillo, vice president of Content Development, Non-Scripted, at Telemundo Media.Featuring two hosts – soon to be announced – the show’s innovative format features three stages of competition: the first begins with the blind audition, then the battle round, and finally, the live performance shows. La Voz Kids is a presentation of Talpa Media USA Inc. The show is created by John de Mol, who will executive-produce along with Stijn Bakkers and Katrina Fernández.

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