Isaac Lee resigns as Chief Content Officer of Univision

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 17 de julio de 2018

Isaac Lee

Univision Communications Inc (UCI) announced that Isaac Lee has decided to step down as Chief Content Officer of UCI, after successfully completing the mandate of aligning the content operations of both UCI and Televisa.

Lee created and led a joint task force between UCI and Televisa that has generated a rich pipeline of diverse and fresh content to compete more effectively in a highly-competitive media marketplace.

He initiated the first-ever global Pilot Season in Spanish-language television for Mexico and the U.S., opening the doors to 55 independent third-party producers that pitched more than 100 projects, some of which are already in production.

Today concludes Lee’s seven and a half year term with Univision, where he led Univision News, Univision Digital and finally all content including The Root, The Onion, and Gizmodo Media before taking the joint role as Chief Content Officer of UCI and Televisa in January 2017.

“I want to thank Isaac for leading Univision’s content team with integrity and courage and helping elevate and position Univision in mainstream American media. He understood the relevance that Univision has for Hispanic America and served the audience well. Isaac has a vision and knows how to execute,” said Haim Saban, Chairman of the Board of UCI.

At Univision, Lee created the Los Angeles-based premium content development and production hub, Story House Entertainment, which produces scripted and non-scripted programming in English and Spanish.

Lee will start his own production company developing the same diverse relevant, independent content that will appeal to diverse audiences globally.

Lee said, “I want to thank my extraordinarily talented and hard-working colleagues at Univision, as well as Haim and the entire Board, for all the support I have received in my nearly eight years at UCI.”

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