John Rossiter of Sony: We are at a good moment where we have the flexibility to do many things

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 29 de mayo de 2024

John Rossiter: We have a solid offering in everything

Just coming out of their screening event in Los Angeles, John Rossiter, Executive VP of Networks and Distribution for Latin America at Sony Pictures Television (SPT), appears optimistic and “comfortable” with the market’s reality.

Although Rossiter admits that each year the market “couldn’t be more disruptive and changing more,” what makes him feel very comfortable is that they are producers, sellers, and publishers “of great international and local content. When you publish as we do and have options, we have multiple clients to talk to. We have a solid offering in everything. And I feel very comfortable and confident about that, despite the changes, because I believe we are in a good place where we seek to partner with as many platforms and channels as possible. And we have the flexibility to do many things,” he expressed to PRODU.

Rossiter referred to the good reception that sitcoms have had in the region “and it is what clients are looking for.” During the screening, they announced the Mexican version of Mad About You, Enloqueciendo Contigo, with Memo Villegas and Regina Blandón. “We are very excited about the writing, the team, and the talent. We didn’t present the content at the screening, but we showed the cast and had them there. We are seeing that comedies are very popular, there is a lot of demand,” he indicated. The remake of Mad About You is being done for the first time in Mexico but has been done for other markets like Chile.

Rossiter also highlighted their dramas that “still have a healthy market.” He cited the new dramedy series, Yo No Soy Mendoza (40×45’), which is the latest work of Fernando Gaitán. He also mentioned the fourth season of Rosario Tijeras, “a very unique and anticipated action melodrama.” Yo no soy Mendoza is produced in Colombia and Mexico, just like Rosario Tijeras.

He emphasized that Carlos Quintanilla has been working on the creativity of these projects. “He has been the creative force in many of the things we have: Mad About You, Yo No Soy Mendoza, and Rosario Tijeras. “I think we have a good selection of things,” he pointed out.

Regarding reality shows, he mentioned Shark Tank, with new seasons in the works for Colombia, Mexico, and Brazil. “Shark Tank is very important to us. And, of course, we also have Escape Perfecto.”

In Rossiter’s opinion, Sony’s screening was “a great success.” “We have heard from many of our clients that it was a very solid screening, one of the best lineups. Speaking of international products, we probably have one of our biggest selections so far, a rich and diverse selection of many different shows. And we are already receiving very positive feedback from the market about the programs. None of them have been sold yet because it was just on Tuesday the 21st. We have Doc with Molly Parker, which is a remake of the Italian version, which we presented at the screenings. We are hearing from our clients that it is one of the strong shows,” he said.

They also presented the crime drama Long Bright River starring Amanda Seyfried; another drama is about the real-life scandal of Prince Andrew of England with Michael Sheen and Ruth Wilson. “Then we have an adult animation, coming as an interim season for Family Guy called Universal Basic Guys that will debut on FOX USA, and we showed the teaser for Blood of my Blood, the prequel to Outlander.”

They also showed Dope Girls from the producer Bad Wolf. “It is our premium show. I would say it is probably the most visually different show we have had in a long time. I think it is going to be a very distinct show and the visual effects are impressive,” he pointed out.

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