Mexicanal integrates its programming to The Cowboy Channel

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 23 de octubre de 2018

Luis Torres Bohl Mexicanal

Mexicanal announced that starting this month, they will integrate their programming to the new signal The Cowboy Channel in the US, which reaches 30 million homes. “Ratings indicate it is performing very well,” adds Luis Torres-Bohl, president of Mexicanal and parent company Castalia Communications.

“Our expansion plans continue in vigor. We have a very close relationship with all our distributors, DISH, Sling, Comcast, among others and have plans to expand to other not so prominent markets, but in which we know there is a captive audience for Mexicanal,” comments Torres.

Torres highlights that the new original productions are still strong. “We are producing new seasons of La Liga Mexicana de Jaripeo Profesional and of Fuerza Necaxa. We are also producing a special series on LasGrandes Cantinas de Méxicoand the seriesSobre Ruedas, about the great Mexican cycling tradition, in which the brand Mercurio is taking part,” he described.

When consulted on the US Hispanic market, Torres reported that the most important aspect of the Hispanic market is that 65% are Mexicans or have a direct connection with Mexico. “The Spanish language continues to be important for them, and they want to see themselves reflected on the screen, speaking Spanish or English. Mexicanal, as our name indicates, is a signal made in Mexico for Mexicans who live in the US and other regions of the world. Mexicanal continues to offer programming that strengthens what exists in the market regarding news, entertainment, sports,” he emphasized.

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