Natpe presents in Mexico the advantages of participating in the Natpe Global-Realscreen Summit in Miami

Aliana González| 2 de octubre de 2024

Natpe strengthens its proposal as a market with the incorporation of Realscreen Summit, offering two markets in one, both to be held during the week of February 3 to 7 at the InterContinental Hotel in Miami. This increases its value proposition by offering greater access to U.S. and global distributors and buyers, with the added appeal of new contacts and business opportunities for the Latin American market. Another advantage is its timing, distancing itself from Content Americas. These topics were discussed in Mexico by José Luis Sánchez, manager for Latin America, U.S., and Global of Natpe Global, who traveled to the country with César Díaz on a sales and promotional campaign for the event.

Sánchez and Díaz met with television channels, producers, and distributors, explaining the scope of RealScreen Summit, a market specialized in unscripted content with a 20-year history but little known in Latin America, despite its large reach in the U.S. and globally.

“Many don’t know Realscreen, which is why I came to explain. It was originally launched for the U.S. market. The first one was held near Discovery’s offices in Washington, as it was of interest to the company, which at the time focused on documentary and factual content. It has since moved to various cities, such as New Orleans and Austin, and now it will be held in Miami. It has always taken place during the first week of February,” Sánchez explained.

He mentioned that the event is ideal for companies with two teams: one handling formats and another managing finished content. “It’s a week where you can benefit from two major events,” he added, noting that for those attending both, combo promotional prices are available.

Sánchez also explained that the Realscreen Summit will offer co-production opportunities for unscripted content, including formats, documentaries, factual programming, sports, and reality shows. It will take place from February 3 to 5, with Natpe starting on the 5th and running until February 7. Both markets will overlap on February 5, allowing both communities to meet and open new business opportunities.

He highlighted the high expectations, noting that despite several months remaining, significant companies such as Caracol Televisión have confirmed their participation at Natpe with a greater presence than in 2024. He also hinted at new participants from Brazil, with an official announcement to follow in the coming weeks. Additionally, the list of signed distributors will be revealed soon, and Sánchez promised it would impress.

In 2024, the RealScreen Summit brought together 1,300 delegates from over 20 countries, with 1,000 meetings and more than 40 conferences and panels. Attendance included 82% from North and South America, 12% from Europe, 4.5% from other parts of the world, and 1.5% from Asia. The participants were 57.5% producers, 13% buyers, and 6.5% distributors. The format includes pitch events, conferences, and networking opportunities.

Sánchez emphasized that 100% of RealScreen Summit attendees pay a fee, including buyers, which reflects the high caliber of participants in the market.


Plans for Mexico include creating a pavilion for Mexican producers. Sánchez is seeking alliances with Mexican organizations to bring this idea to life. “We want to bring a group of Mexican producers and offer them the opportunity to meet new people and access the global market,” he stated.

Vanessa Velasco, Commercial Director of Spring Media, attended the meeting with Sánchez in Mexico and shared that her company will not attend Content Americas this year but will participate in Natpe. “This initiative by Natpe to combine RealScreen with what Natpe has traditionally been is the key differentiator from Content. Personally, and as a company, we will only attend Natpe this time. We have little interest in Content because, in November, there’s Cancún, where we meet all our Latin American clients. Everything goes on hold until January when you meet with the same group again. For us, it’s more important to focus on the U.S. market, which is more active. Combining the two events in the same week seems like a great idea,” she said.

Sánchez also mentioned that he traveled to Mexico with César Díaz, who is meeting with Mexican buyers and focusing on the Latin American market. However, there are two other operators, one focused on the U.S. market, specifically Los Angeles and Hollywood, and another focused on Europe.

“There are many markets, and two of them are in Miami. But what we are proposing is a global audience and the opportunity for a specialized unscripted content market,” Sánchez concluded.

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