NBCUniversal: We want to help the company monetize its scope over Hispanics

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 5 de febrero de 2015

Joe Uva, president of Hispanic Enterprises and Content at NBCUniversal

Eighteen months after the creation of the Hispanic Enterprises and Content division in NBCUniversal, its president Joe Uva seems to be satisfied with the initiatives they have carried out.”In this short period we have actually established an excellence center to help the corporation understand, not only how to work with Telemundo and NBC Universo (former mun2), and our digital properties, but also to work throughout all the divisions of NBCUniversal,” Uva told PRODU.Among the projects accomplished, he highlighted the synergies created between NBCUniversal´s anglo properties and its hispanic channels. He named examples such as La Voz Kids (Hispanic version of The Voice), Top Chef Estrellas (based on the format of Bravo´s Top Chef), and the case of the Telemundo journalist, José Díaz-Balart, who has his own show in English on Msnbc. He announced that USA Network is recording a pilot of Queen of the South, which is the anglo version of La Reina del Sur and NBC Entertainment opted the rights for El Señor de los Cielos as a series for its primetime.”Our strategy is to help NBC monetize its scope over Hispanics. In our advertising sales we have created the NBC Hispanic Group that not only covers our channels and websites but is also where we sell to our entire portfolio what we call Hispanics in NBCUniversal. We already address more than 14 million unique Hispanic visitors, either in English or in Spanish,” he explained. He explained the mun2 rebranding to NBC Universo: “It was something we did on research that shows that there is a gap in the marketplace and people wanted to have more of a general entertainment type of network that it is almost like USA Network type for Latinos. mun2 has been a great idea and worked very well for a number of years but lately has struggled to really expand its interest so we decided that we have a platform with 41 million subscribers and we wanted to use that to launch this channel. We found out through the research that having the peacock and the NBC name attached to the network it was very powerful and it also gave us permission to really upgrade the level of quality of production”.

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