Netflix to establish its first European production hub in Madrid with Grupo Secuoya

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 24 de julio de 2018

Ciudad De La Tele Grupo Secuoya

Netflix has announced the establishment of its first European production hub in Madrid.

The production hub will be located at Ciudad de la Tele (TV City), a new 22,000m2 campus in Tres Cantos, Madrid, being developed and managed by Grupo Secuoya, a leader in audiovisual production services. It will be a central facility for Netflix’s growing slate of Spanish-language original content over the coming years including new and existing titles produced by Netflix, as well as series and films made by production partners for Netflix.

As part of the multi-year partnership, Grupo Secuoya will provide facility management and other services to Netflix, including being the exclusive production services partner for projects based at the Ciudad de la Tele campus. Netflix will take occupancy of three 1,200m2 sound stages from September, with the option to occupy additional space as construction completes.

The creation of the production hub reflects Netflix’s deepening investment in Spain, with over 13,000 cast, crew, and extras working on 20 Netflix original productions across the country this year.

Spanish titles coming soon to Netflix include season 3 of Las Chicas del Cable on September 7th and Élite, a young adult drama coming soon, with titles currently in production including Isabel Coixet’s new original film Elisa & Marcela and The Alcásser Murders, a new original documentary series.

Netflix recently announced an overall deal with Álex Pina, the creator of the worldwide phenomenon La Casa de Papel(Money Heist), the most watched non-English language show on Netflix. Netflix is also investing significantly in licensed and co-produced titles created by Spanish broadcasters and producers. This includes a recent agreement for first-option access to drama series from Atresmedia, with Fariña and La Catedral del Maramong the upcoming titles launching on Netflix globally.

“From San Sebastián to Santiago de Chile and Toronto to Tokyo, Spanish-language content is savored by Netflix members across the world. The establishment of our first European production hub will create new opportunities for Spain’s incredible creative talent, as well as demonstrating our commitment to the production of original content throughout Europe,” Erik Barmack, VP of International Originals at Netflix.

“Netflix sets a world-class standard in its production process and the decision to create a production hub in Madrid is proof of Spain’s leadership in the audiovisual industry, as well as the depth of its talent pool. Grupo Secuoya is delighted to partner with Netflix to support the production of Spanish-language series for the world,” said Raúl Berdonés, president, Grupo Secuoya.

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