New survey data from Netflix reveals 67% of people will risk embarrassment to watch their favorite shows and movies in public

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 17 de noviembre de 2017

The survey was conducted by SurveyMonkey from August 24 - September 7, 2017 and based on 37,056 responses

In a world with 2.4 billion smartphone users, mobile viewing is on the rise and “binge-free zones” are a thing of the past. But as millions of people take full advantage of Netflix to stream and download anytime and anywhere, private binge behaviors are now on public display.

So why are 67% of people globally willing to expose their entertainment emotions to watch outside their homes? Because public bingers rank having access to movies or shows higher than food and water as “essential” items for travelling or commuting.

Nearly half (45%) of those watching on the go have caught a backseat binger snooping on their screen. Only 18% of public bingers have felt embarrassed about what they’re watching and 77% refuse to turn off their show or movie. There’s no shame in our stream game.

Eleven percent of public bingers have had a show or movie spoiled by seeing someone else’s screen. The risk is even greater if you plan to sneak a peak in South Korea where 24% have suffered from spoilers.

More than a quarter (27%) of public bingers have had a stranger interrupt their show or movie to start a conversation about what they’re watching. Episode intruders are likely just jealous we remembered to download our shows before leaving the house.

The majority of public bingers have laughed out loud and one in five have even cried while watching in public. Globally, Mexico, Colombia and Chile are the most outwardly emotional countries. Conversely, it’s unlikely to see a German bawling while they binge.

Source: The survey was conducted by SurveyMonkey from August 24 – September 7, 2017 and based on 37,056 responses. The sample was balanced by age and gender and representative of an adult online population who watch movies and TV shows via streaming services in public settings in The United States, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, France, Germany, India, Italy, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, Philippines, Poland, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand and Turkey.

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