Ogilvy Announces New Leadership for Ogilvy One with Next Generation Service Offering for Designing Relationships

18 de marzo de 2024

Led by creativity, powered by data, and supercharged by AI, Ogilvy has a distinct approach to designing relationships that create business, brand, and customer value

The global boom in MarTech investment has enabled companies of all types to conduct relationship marketing. Yet, many have struggled to create distinction and customer relevancy, necessitating a better approach to building lasting relationships. It’s with this perspective that Ogilvy today announces new global leadership for Ogilvy One and next-generation services for creating more valuable relationships by design.

Led by creativity, powered by data, and supercharged by AI, Ogilvy has a distinct approach to designing relationships that create business, brand, and customer value.

Moving forward, Ogilvy One will serve as the global brand for Ogilvy’s current (recently known as Ogilvy Experience) and next-generation customer experience and relationship service offerings to clients. Kent Wertime, a seasoned Ogilvy executive, has been appointed as the Global CEO of Ogilvy One. With nearly 25 years at Ogilvy, Kent previously led Ogilvy One in Asia and has since held various leadership positions. He will continue in his most recent role as Co-CEO for Ogilvy APAC. Ogilvy One’s leadership team includes Roberto Fara, who will take on an expanded role as the Global Creative Experience Lead for Ogilvy One and will retain his role as Chief Creative Officer of Ogilvy Spain, along with Rajesh Midha (NoAm), Clare Lawson (EMEA & Chief Client Officer), Ab Gaur (APAC & CEO of Verticurl; Global Chief Data & Tech Officer, Ogilvy), Mauro Caggiano (LATAM), Jason Davey (AUNZ), Ravi Pal (CTO), and Nate McNabb (Global Partnerships).

Brands that create a positive relationship with a consumer are 3x more impactful than brands that don’t (source: Mesh Experience Research 2023). Ogilvy One offers a range of services to design relationships that are truly reflective of brands: Customer Acquisition, Service Design, Continuous Commerce, and CRM & Loyalty. This offering is underpinned by a unified global technology backbone powered by Verticurl, the leading marketing technology services agency Ogilvy acquired in 2013. Ogilvy One has approximately 3,800 specialists around the world spanning strategy, creative and design, UX/UI, data, media and performance, platform integration, creative technology, innovation, and AI among other areas. Ogilvy One currently works with a broad range of B2C and B2B clients including some world’s most iconic brands such as IBM, Mondelēz, Nestlé, Unilever, The Coca-Cola Company, Verizon, and Enterprise, as well as regional and local clients.

Devika Bulchandani, Global CEO of Ogilvy, said: “When David Ogilvy first started talking about direct marketing decades ago, he recognized that some of the most effective marketing isn’t just directed at your target audience, it speaks to them on a personal one-to-one basis. Now we take that to a new level with a fresh leadership team for Ogilvy One and a commitment to designing relationships based on ideas that create enduring value exchanges between consumers and our clients’ brands.”

“Over the last decade, companies invested heavy in technology, but that alone is not the solution. In today’s hyper-commoditized world, brands need to design relationships that create differentiation and relevancy with their consumers. That’s where the exponential power of creativity plays a vital role,” Kent Wertime, Global CEO of Ogilvy One, said. “Today’s consumers, choose their points of interaction with brands, from discovery to purchase, and dictate more of the relationship. With a deep understanding of brands and full dimensional view of consumers coupled with award-winning creativity and a strong data and technology backbone, Ogilvy One is uniquely positioned to design valuable relationships for brands that are impactful, relevant, and enduring.”

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