One Platform: The future of video & advertising

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 14 de mayo de 2020

Presentación NBCU

“In our company, transformation is already underway. For years we have been building One Platform, investing in all these tools and in an amazing amount of content. We can already see what the future of video and advertising looks like. This is why we have realigned our content business for it to look exactly the way One Platform works,” commented Linda Yaccarino, Chairman of Advertising Alliances at NBCUniversal, during the online presentation of One Industry Update, presented to the media and clients. 

In the talk, Laura Molen and Mark Marshall, presidents of Advertising Sales and Alliances; Krishan Bhatia EVP, Business Operations and Strategy; and Josh Feldman, EVP, Head of Marketing and Advertising Creativity, also took part.

Molen highlighted the efforts made to reduce the duration of commercials on screen and how One Platform helps optimize client`s ads. “Prime Pods showed us how less clutter can mean greater impact for brands. We will continue looking for ways to minimize clutter, starting with some of our programs with higher profile and impact” she commented.

Marshall emphasized how One Platform merges the power of linear with the ease and fluency of digital. “One Platform is basically everything they have been asking us for: a way to turn each impression in each screen into a real impact for the brand and dynamically adapt to consumption habits in that are constantly changing for the audience”.

Yaccarino announced the launch of One Platform at an international level with Sky.

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