Pantelion will release 8 to 10 films a year over the next 5 years

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 14 de septiembre de 2010

Jim McNamara, Gerry López of AMC Cinema, Emilio Azcárraga, Jon Feltheimer, and Paul Presburger

Lionsgate, and Televisa, today announced the launch of Pantelion Films, a joint venture designed to target Hispanic moviegoers in the U.S., the fastest-growing segment of the U.S. moviegoer population.The new venture was unveiled at a New York City press conference today by Lionsgate Co-Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Jon Feltheimer and Grupo Televisa Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Emilio Azcarraga.Noting that 26 million U.S. moviegoers are Hispanic and that they represent more than one-fourth of all frequent moviegoers in the U.S., Pantelion will release a slate of eight to 10 films a year over the next five years targeted to Latino audiences, kicking off with the January 2011 release of the comedy From Prada to Nada.Four to five films will be produced in-house each year, and the other four to five films will be acquired. Chairman Jim McNamara, head of Panamax Films, and CEO Paul Presburger, a longtime Lionsgate international executive and architect of the Pantelion deal and strategy, will head Pantelion.”Pantelion is unprecedented in terms of the production, distribution, and marketing resources. We are focusing on the Latino moviegoer in the U.S. and the consistent pipeline of movies we are offering Hispanic audiences,” said Feltheimer.”Lionsgate is an ideal partner for extending Televisa’s reputation for original, quality, commercially exciting filmed entertainment to the vast market of Spanish-speaking moviegoers in the U.S.,” said Azcarraga.Pantelion was immediately hailed by the top three U.S. theatrical exhibitors (AMC Cinema, Cinemark, and Regal Entertainment Group), which represent more than 50% of U.S. screens. The new venture is in active discussions with major exhibitors for showcasing its slate.

Diario de Hoy

martes, 18 de marzo de 2025


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